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Accessing External Examiner & Travel Funding

Updated April 2022

In alignment with its mission to support the education, training, and career development of graduate students, the Office of Graduate Studies will cover up to $1800 for the purpose of travel to a scientific meeting, course or workshop for doctoral students. Students may use these funds to cover travel costs for one meeting or use the funds for multiple meetings for total support of up to $1,800. 

Eligibility and Limitations

The student should be in the later years of their doctoral program, have passed their Qualifying Exam, be in good academic/conduct standing, and be on track for defense. In exceptional cases, students earlier in their doctoral career may request funds for consideration on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Committee. Graduate Program Directors may approve requests up to $1800.  


Total funds are subject to change based upon availability of financial resources. If there is a change, OGS will notify the Graduate Program Directors and update the policy.  

Financial Aid Implications

Pursuant to UM’s policy on Payments to Students (approved June 1, 2017), travel awards for conferences and professional development are considered financial aid and must be reported through the university’s Canelink system. This aid may reduce eligibility on any loans the student may have borrowed, dollar-for-dollar. Students should contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance for clarification on how the travel award may impact their individual student finances.


After receiving mentor and GPD approval, the student should return an electronic copy of the signed form to their Program’s Coordinator/Manager. The Graduate Program Coordinator/Manager will submit a request (via Dynamic Forms) to the Office of Student Financial Assistance to post the travel award to the student’s account.

Travel awards for conferences and professional development

After receiving mentor and GPD approval, the student should return an electronic copy of the signed form to their Program’s Coordinator/Manager. The Graduate Program Coordinator/Manager will submit a request (via Dynamic Forms) to the Office of Student Financial Assistance to post the travel award to the student’s account.

External examiners

These funds should not be used to cover the travel costs of external examiners for dissertation defenses. OGS will cover the cost of an honorarium for external examiners. The costs of travel, hotel, and meals are to be paid by the student’s mentor. Programs are encouraged to utilize teleconferencing software such as Zoom.

Memberships to Professional Associations

Students may utilize these funds to cover memberships to professional associations.


In the event of an irreconcilable dispute between the student and the mentor about how to use the funds, the student may request the GPD to render a decision. Students retain the option to make a final appeal to the Graduate Executive Committee if neither the mentor nor the GPD approve their request.