In alignment with our commitment to academic excellence, we champion innovative curricular design, support rigorous educational research, and mentor aspiring leaders. We are committed to recognizing, rewarding, and advancing our exceptional educators.
At the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, faculty development is a collaborative effort between the Department of Medical Education (DOME) Professional Development and the Office of Faculty Affairs ensuring a comprehensive approach to leadership, growth, and advancement.
This professional development site provides resources to further develop skills as a medical education educator within a community of lifelong learners.
Key offerings include:
- Pedagogy in Practice: Handouts, links, and resources for educators.
- Podcasts and Recorded Sessions: Individual sessions on various topics.
- Resources and Organizations: Links to various resources in medical education.
- Self-directed ULearn Modules: Tips and learning for educators.
This site serves as the central hub for the Miller School of Medicine community to access professional development opportunities and practical resources aimed at enhancing educator skills.