Application Process
The interdepartmental Ph.D. Program in Human Genetics and Genomics (HGG) is a multidisciplinary program aimed at training scientists broadly in areas of human genetics and genomics relevant to human health and disease. All students receive training in three core competencies: molecular, computational, and clinical genetics. Students are exposed to all aspects of human genetics research, from the patient to the underlying mechanism. Students are prepared to be the next generation of genomic scientists with various skills, e.g., induced pluripotent stem cells, animal modeling, family studies, and large-scale population-based datasets. They are also trained to translate their research results into improved medical care and public health interventions.
This program is a perfect fit for students from many scientific disciplines (such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics, and computer science) who wish to train in molecular or statistical genetics. Our focus on genetics and genomics as applied to human diseases and traits makes this program unique; such focus is currently not present in other departmental or interdepartmental programs. The program includes a clinical training component, whereby students will rotate through medical genetics clinics and observe the application of human genetics in a health care setting. This activity will be coordinated with the existing Medical Genetics Residency Program and provide an opportunity for Ph.D. students to interact with M.D. geneticists.
Why a Ph.D. in Human Genetics and Genomics?
Individuals earning Ph.D. degrees in Human Genetics and Genomics have various career options, including clinical laboratory, research laboratory, or computational research in academia, healthcare, and biotechnology. As the biotechnology industry grows, graduates prepared for careers in this industry are crucial. Additionally, the practice of medicine is concerned with both the genetic basis of disease as well as the response to treatment. As genomic medicine continues to develop, the demand for scientists trained in the molecular and statistical methods used to dissect complex human traits will be high; therefore, having a Ph.D. in Human Genetics and Genomics will put you ahead of the game.
Key Areas of Research
Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Department of Human Genetics
John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics
Human Genetics and Genomics offers a comprehensive program that prepares Ph.D. trainees for the challenges of modern science. I loved the clinical genetics rotation and the teaching module. I learned bioinformatics and worked in a molecular biology lab having state-of-the-art technology and supportive advice at hand. All in one program, all in the sunny and vibrant city of Miami.