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My UM and Canelink

MyUM and CaneLink provide students, applicants, faculty, staff and delegates access to their important personal information 24 hours a day on the Internet. You will be able to navigate services including: registration, student records, student accounts, payroll and financial assistance.


The Blackboard Course Management system automatically provides a class web site for every class at the University of Miami. Students and faculty are automatically enrolled in their class web sites. Faculty often use the class web site for posting copies of PowerPoint slides used during a lecture, notes from a lecture, examples of previous exams, grades, links to online material, and to facilitate online, out–of–class discussions. It is the students’ responsibility to actively access Blackboard for the latest course information.


Since all university and program communications are sent by email students are required check their university email account at least once per day. Communications include course assignments, program events, administrative requests and announcements. Use the link above to access webmail. For instructions on setting your email account up on your individual device and software see