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Become an Associate Member

John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics

Become A Member

Criteria For Becoming A Member

  • Demonstrated research in human genetics:
    1. PI or Co-PI on active or proposed peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed funding in research with human genetic or genomic relevance
    2. Human genetic-focused publications
  • Agreement to fulfill the responsibilities of membership
  • Initial membership appointments will be for three years and will be contingent upon successful completion of an annual review process.

Responsibilities of Membership

All HIHG members are expected to contribute to the mission and growth of the HIHG through support of HIHG activities. The responsibilities of members include:

  • Willingness to work collaboratively with other scientists and clinical researchers on problems related to human genetics.
  • Active participation in activities including research programs and disease oriented working groups.
  • Attendance at scheduled functions of HIHG (egs. Invited speakers, scientific meetings)
  • Active participation in the education and visibility raising efforts, including appropriate symposia and community education.
  • Where applicable, willingness to provide mentoring to junior faculty and other members.
  • All members will be responsible to provide information updates as required, and must be willing to share this information for the purpose of reporting requirements.

Application and Selection Process

To apply for membership:

  1. Please email with “HIHG Membership Application Form Request” in the subject line. An email will be sent back with the PDF form attached. Please complete the form Including description of research interest and statement of genetics or genomics research focus.
  2. Please e-mail completed application and NIH biosketch to

This information is then reviewed by the HIHG Executive Committee, chaired by the HIHG Director. Membership is awarded for an initial period of three years. The Committee will meet yearly to review the entire HIHG membership roster, to make sure that it reflects the mission of the HIHG.