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George P. Munson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Director Programs in Biomedical Sciences (PiBS)

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Office RMSB 3036
Laboratory RMSB 3111, 3115
Phone: 305-243-5317 Email
  • Perforin-2

  • Bacterial Effectors

  • Nanobodies

  • ETEC

  • Type 1p Secretion System

  • Virulence Gene Regulation

Data Sharing

The Munson lab is committed to open access, transparency, and data availability. We regularly publish our datasets and other research products to or under the open access Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Under this copyright license users may distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon our data in any medium or format, provided attribution is given to the Munson lab by citation of the materials’ DOI and associated publications. Our collections can be found by searching the above repositories for “Munson George” or “Munson GP.”