International Observership in Otolaryngology
The observership programs in otolaryngology, are subspecialty-based rotations designed for the otolaryngologists in their final year of training, or in otolaryngology practice, who wish to enhance their surgical skill set and fund of knowledge, in a particular subspecialty of otolarynogology. The number of participants per month, as well as the maximum number of months the participant can attend, may vary between subspecialties. The participant observes their faculty mentors in the operating rooms and clinics, at our main teaching facilities on the University of Miami Medical Campus. They also have full access to all weekly otolaryngology teaching conferences, which are provided to our residents and fellows. A schedule of weekly educational activities, clinics, and surgeries, will be provided. If the participant is interested in more than one observership during their stay in Miami, this can also be arranged. The official language is English. However, most of the faculty mentors and staff speak Spanish as well, for Latin American participants
International Observership in Cosmetic Medicine
This observership is an observational program that combines the cosmetic expertise within three departments; otolaryngology, ophthalmology, and dermatology. It is open to otolaryngologists, opthalmologists or dermatologists who are interested in learning about all aspects of aesthetics including facial cosmetic surgery and hair transplant as well as minimally invasive treatments such as fillers and neurotoxins and laser medicine. Participants have full access to all teaching conferences in any of the three departments. Participants rotate with four faculty members in both private practice and university based settings. The observership is focused on the areas of interest of each individual participant.
General Information - Costs, Downloads
International Courses