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Student Testimonials

M.S. in Clinical and Translational Investigation

Hear from our Students and Alumni

Our current and former students share what’s meaningful to them about the MSCTI Program.

My personal goal is to return to clinical practice, so the MSCTI provided the ideal opportunity to improve my skills among my peers and make connections between patient care and basic science research. My studies at MSCTI and my research at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis have made this a reality.
Luisa Betancourt, M.D., M.S.
Senior Research Associate
I decided to take a year off between my third and fourth year of med school to build my research skills. With my goal of becoming a brain surgeon, I knew that formal training in clinical and translational science and my special project in neurosurgery would be essential to achieving the high bar that I set for myself.
Zachary Gersey, M.D., M.S.
Medical Resident, Neurosurgery
I enrolled in the MSCTI program to build my skills as physician researcher before starting residency. What has exceeded my expectations were the mentorship opportunities that were created. The relationships and research productivity I developed while in the program will have a life-changing impact on the rest of my career.
Diana Lopategui, M.D., M.S.
Medical Resident, Urology
As a faculty member and physician scientist aspiring to become an independent researcher, the curriculum of the MCTSI program was perfectly tailored to gain the skills necessary to successfully compete for funding. Importantly, the program was designed to allow me to learn without compromising my clinical, teaching and research obligations.
Alberto R. Ramos, M.D., M.S.P.H., M.S.
Student, Clinical and Translational Investigation
As an aspiring medical student, I believe that it is essential for medical professionals to have a firm foundation in research that allows them to incorporate evidence-based practices and advance the field of medicine for the next generation of physicians. This program has and continues to provide me with unparalleled research opportunities and incredible mentors who have inspired and guided me toward success in my continued pursuit of a career in the medical field.
 Emily P. Rabinovich
Associate Professor, Clinical Neurology