SCI Inpatient Rehabilitation
In 1992, the Ryder Trauma Center (RTC), a Level 1 trauma center was opened as part of UM/JMH. All acute SCI patients enter the system through the RTC. Those patients who have multiple organ-system trauma, in addition to their SCI, stay in the trauma center until their condition is stabilized. Those SCI patients who are free from other multi-organ system problems receive their intensive care in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit, and when stabilized they are then sent to the SCI Step Down Unit and/or the SCI Rehabilitation Medicine service.
All acute SCI patients are seen by the SCI team; this includes a Neurosurgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, and Physiatrist. Rehabilitation Medicine evaluations are performed by Dr. Kevin Dalal (SCI Rehabilitation medical director) within 72 hours of injury. Acute SCI patients are started on physical and occupational therapy in the intensive care units. Those patients who are ventilator-dependent also receive speech therapy. Psychological counseling is provided acutely to all patients. Weekly patient care conferences are also held with the rehabilitation team members including PT, OT, Psychology, case management, and Rehabilitation Medicine. Furthermore, a continuum of care is assured for all disciplines between the acute care of patients at RTC and the JMH Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit.
For more information, please call the Jackson SCI Inpatient Rehab 305-585-7112 or visit https://rehabilitation.jacksonhealth.org/services/spinal-cord-injuries/ for more information.
Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit at Jackson Memorial Hospital
The Inpatient Rehabilitation component of the SF SCIMS is provided in the SCI Rehabilitation Unit in the Christine E. Lynn Rehabilitation Hospital. This unit is under the direction of Dr. Kevin Dalal, chief of SCI rehabilitation service. In addition to receiving care from their attending physician, SCI patients continue to be followed by their neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon. The proximity of the rehabilitation unit to the acute care facility augments the continuity of care.
Inpatients with SCI are seen by an interdisciplinary team of rehabilitation professionals. In addition to physiatry, these include physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, therapeutic recreation, case management, and vocational services. Patients participate in a full complement of rehabilitation therapies designed to optimize their functional potential using a team-oriented approach. To guide this process and ensure progress is being made towards common goals, weekly interdisciplinary team conferences using a problem-oriented approach are held for all SCI patients. Discharge planning is initiated early in the process, with a goal of appropriately hastening independent living in their home environment and community re-integration.
SCI Outpatient Rehabilitation
Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinics at Jackson Memorial Hospital and the University of Miami
A range of outpatient services are available to persons with SCI. These services are provided by Dr. Kevin Dalal and include management of medical complications associated with SCI, including management of pain, bowel and bladder function, and pressure sores. Other available services include psychotherapy, physical therapy, and vocational rehabilitation.
To make an appointment at UMHC/Jackson SCI Outpatient Clinic with Dr. Dalal or Dr. Vives, please call: 305-585-6000.
Psychological Services
Counseling is routinely provided to all SCI inpatients through both individual and group treatment. Formal family counseling is also available. Neuropsychological evaluations are provided for suspected concomitant traumatic brain injuries, and specialized treatment programs are available for these patients. Specialized treatment is also available for substance abuse problems, pain management and sexual dysfunction. All services are available to both in- and outpatients. The rehabilitation psychologist serves as the primary mental health professional, requesting for psychiatric consultations, as necessary.
Support groups are also an integral part of the education process for SCI patients. A weekly inpatient support group is led by Dr. Mario Olavarria. An inpatient family support group is also available biweekly and led by Dr. Olavarria. This group alternates between a pure support-group function and a psychoeducational function by having speakers from the rehabilitation team, the Miami Project, and community organizations.
Depression and anxiety commonly occur after SCI, as the person and their family learn to live with the injury. Psychotherapy treats these concerns and helps the person develop a new outlook on living with SCI. Additionally, neuropsychological assessment is available for individuals with both SCI and SCI suspected brain injury. Both psychotherapy and neuropsychological assessment are provided by Dr. Doug Johnson-Greene Ph.D. For more information on these services please visit; https://rehabilitation.jacksonhealth.org/services/neuropsychology-rehabilitation-psychology/ .
For Appointments with Dr. Doug Johnson-Greene Ph.D. MPH, ABPP, Please Call: 305-243-6605
The Christine E. Lynn Rehabilitation Center for The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at UHealth/Jackson Memorial is the home of The South Florida Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SF SCIMS). This specialized rehabilitation center has a large variety of clinical services for spinal cord injury patients including inpatient, outpatient, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and psychological resources.
SCI Inpatient Rehabilitation
SCI Outpatient Rehabilitation
Psychological Services