Seeking Patient Care?
Available Projects for Medical Students
Division: Adolescent Medicine
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Statistical summations.
Research Summary: Focus on screening for sexually transmitted infections among teenage and young adult Miami-Dade County populations, as well as specific HIV testing, inclusive of sexual minority youth.
Contact Name: Dr. Larry Friedman
Contact information: Adolescent Medicine
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Antiracism, bias, education. Curriculum development.
Research Summary: Awaiting grant award: developing an anti-racism, bias and micro aggressions curriculum for pediatric medical students and residents. Developmental stage: looking at differences/similarities in how social media usage affects adolescent body image perception in developing vs developed countries. Collaboration with university in Kingston, Jamaica.
Contact Name: Dr. Renee Morgan
Contact information: renee.morgan@miami.eduDivision: Allergy/Immunology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Clinical abstracts/case report, QOL projects.
Research Summary: Clinical research in Primary immune deficiency, stem cell transplant and food allergy. We conduct both pharmaceutical and NIH multicenter trials in A/I areas, with a focus on food allergy. The division is collaborating with the School of Nursing to explore QOL and clinical interventions in the food allergic child.
Contact Name: Dr. Gary Kleiner
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Quality Improvement Project- Impact of Pediatric Palliative Care Team
Palliative Care needs in an underserved population.
Research Summary: Quality Improvement - Impact of Pediatric Palliative Care Team Narrative Medicine in Pediatric Critical Care Delirium in the Pediatric ICU Professional Identity Development in medical students, residents. Curriculum Development in Palliative Care in PCCM Fellowship Quality Improvement - Decreasing pain associated with needle procedures in Pediatrics Palliative Care Needs in an underserved population.
Contact Name: Dr. Amanda Alladin
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: Palliative care focused. Developing quality projects targeting pain assessment and management across age groups commencing in NICU.
Contact Name: Dr. Patricia Cantwell
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational; Basic
Project: Two small pilot clinical studies both are with the Miami Transplant Institute (MTI). The first clinical project is looking at the use of anti-thymocyte globulin treating GVHD in recipients of multi-visceral transplants (MVTx). The second project is the association improved time to enteral feeds in MVTx recipients that did not have an ostomy done at the time of transplantation.
Research Summary: Immunology, Transplantation, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics: My research goals are to advance transplant medicine by manipulating immune cells to induce tolerance. I, along with my mentor, develop therapies treating graft versus host disease (GVHD), a complication of stem cell transplantation, and solid organ chronic rejection using a pre-clinical mouse models. Other interests are small pilot clinical studies, bioinformatics in the setting the EHR, and biostatistics.
Contact Name: Dr. Brent Pfeiffer
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: Research initiatives associated with the PALISI forum. Potential quality improvement projects. Simulation based training/education.
Contact Name: Dr. Asumthia Jeyapalan
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services; Population Sciences
Project: Create projects, educational opportunities, and research projects within the school health settings. Ongoing projects include analyzing vaccination rates of certain vaccines, engagement of school age students in promoting health in their community, management of chronic diseases, addressing hypertension and obesity in school health.
Research Summary: My research is in population and community health. Research focus includes; Enhancing healthcare delivery in underserved and immigrant populations and identifying social determinants of health in these populations. Management of chronic disease in school health. Addressing vaccine hesitancy in school health settings.
Contact Name: Dr. Margia Ambroise
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Population Sciences
Project: Ongoing project - interviews with caregiving youth to better understand their experiences and impact. Ongoing project - analysis of data collected in partnership with UM school health clinic regarding caregiving youth. Future project - expansion and evaluation of community and hospital/ clinic-based services for caregiving youth. Future project - prevalence and impact of caregiving among medical students and trainees.
Research Summary: Caregiving Youth are children and adolescents who provide regular support to relatives or household members who need help due to physical or mental illness, disability, or frailty. This population of children is hidden and not well recognized in our schools and communities, leaving them at risk for both academic and health-related struggles if not supported. In partnership with the American Association of Caregiving Youth, I conduct research and work to raise awareness in the medical and broader communities.
Contact Name: Dr. Julie Belkowitz
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Population Sciences; Health Services
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: We provide hospital and community-based programs aimed at educating families, caregivers, and providers on how to prevent unintentional injuries and fatalities in the pediatric population. We are open to students who are looking for research or quality improvement in this area.
Contact Name: Dr. Oneith Cadiz
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: Quality improvement initiatives aimed to improve: 1) Communication among the care team, and patients and their families 2) Patient safety 3) High value of care.
Contact Name: Dr. Liz Bayes Santos
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: My research interests are:
Resident selection: What is the best way to select medical students for residency? How does a rank list of graduating residents compare to the relative positions they hold on our rank order list prior to the match? Which ones of our scores best correlates with this?
Education: Resident wellness, and long-term preparation for their careers, what is best for residents? A night float system or an overnight call schedule?
Contact Name: Dr. Luis E. Garcia-Chacon
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Retrospective chart review of referral patterns to academic center for leukopenia and stratify ANCS to outcome. Observe versus bone marrow biopsy.
Research Summary: Retrospective chart review of referral patterns to academic center for leukopenia and stratify ANCS to outcome. Observe versus bone marrow biopsy.
Contact Name: Dr. Nicole Torres
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Help with Clinical Research- recently with Familias Unidas.
Research Summary: Familias Unidas is a Hispanic-specific, family-based preventive intervention designed to prevent problem behaviors, including conduct disorders, illicit drug use, alcohol use, cigarette use, and sexual risk behaviors by improving family functioning (e.g., parent-adolescent communication, family support) among Hispanic youth.
Contact Name: Dr. Cecilia Morales
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services; Basic
Project: At PMC we are planning to start a Health Literacy research project. Given the recent influx of immigrants to Miami Dade, we notice that this population has a range of educational background and socio-economic status. We are interested in learning more about them and how to serve them in the best way possible.
Research Summary: At PMC we are planning to start a Health Literacy research project. Given the recent influx of immigrants to Miami Dade, we notice that this population has a range of educational background and socio-economic status. We are interested in learning more about them and how to serve them in the best way possible.
Contact Name: Dr. Wendy De La Rua
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: Incorporating pediatric resident education on racism, bias, and impact on medical care. More specifically, the history of racism in Miami and the effects on health outcomes; how to recognize and decrease stigmatizing language in the clinical setting; confronting microaggressions in the clinical setting.
Contact Name: Dr. Shani Jones
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Population Sciences
Project: We work with medical students to design research projects that match their interest with our patient population.
Research Summary: My research includes the following themes:
-Innovative healthcare delivery in underserved populations, including mobile health, telehealth, and school health
-Improving access to care for uninsured children
-Vaccine hesitancy, COVID-19 vaccine uptake, community infection trends, and innovative detection methods
-Child health advocacy and policy
Contact Name: Dr. Lisa Gwynn
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Health Services; Population Sciences; Clinical
Project: Projects addressing any of the areas listed in #4.
Research Summary: We focus on racial/ethnic disparities in children's health and healthcare, social determinants of health, asthma, obesity, language barriers, and increasing the minority workforce in pediatrics.
Contact Name: Dr. Glenn Flores
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational
Project: DDR pathway mutations Sarcoma- working with Kurt Statz-Geary
Retrospective review Ewing Sarcoma outcomes - Working with Maria Mantero
Research Summary: Sarcoma specific retrospective and translational research.
Contact Name: Dr. Aditi Dhir
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational
Project: 1) GVHD LLB grant to look retrospectively at our institutional GVHD data and state GVHD data and working to create a GVHD drug screen.
2) Institutional analysis of our PTLD population and outcomes with a focus on including NGS data and identifying any trends.
3) Joint project with GI transplant looking out our institutional outcomes for live transplant pts with hepatoblastoma.
Research Summary: Clinical research in the area of pediatric bone marrow transplantation and lymphoma with special interests in GVHD and PTLD.
Contact Name: Dr. Warren Alperstein
Contact information: walperstein@miami.eduDivision: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Opportunities for developing retrospective and prospective studies focused on the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcomes within the bleeding disorder community in the South Florida region as well as at a national level.
Opportunities to investigate the efficacy and safety of anticoagulation therapies and strategies in children with other chronic comorbidities, including end-stage kidney disease, multivisceral transplant, congenital heart disease, etc.
Research Summary: On-site Principal Investigator for several clinical trials in coagulation and thrombosis, including industry-sponsored phase I-II and III clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy and safety of novel hemostatic therapies and novel oral anticoagulants in children with venous thromboembolic events.
Other research interests include evaluation of the natural progression of joint and cardiovascular disease in hemophilic children, as well as a to study the clinical characteristics including the development of joint disease in women with bleeding disorders including von Willebrand disease and rare bleeding disorders.
Contact Name: Dr. Fernando F Corrales-Medina
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No specific projects active at this time for students or residents at this time but will be happy to formulate a clinical project suited to the trainee's interests as they relate to stem cell transplant and oncology.
Research Summary: Interested in clinical projects related to stem cell transplantation, particularly for non-malignant diseases, as well as complications of stem cell transplantation, especially graft-versus-host disease.
Contact Name: Dr. David Crawford
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Retrospective chart review
Research Summary: Outcomes in children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at UM/JMH, based on pre-therapy co-morbidity index (HCT-MI)
Contact Name: Dr. Edward Dela Ziga
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Helping with data entry in REDCap for the children’s follow up study in Miami.
Research Summary: 1) Sickle cell newborn screening and follow up of children with sickle cell disease in Haiti and Miami
2) Creation and implementation of individualized emergency department pain plans
Contact Name: Dr. Ofelia Alvarez
Contact information: Hematology-Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational; Basic
Project: Translational and clinical projects in areas outlined under research summary
Research Summary: Translational research in pediatric cancer, with a focus on Acute Leukemia. Explore and exploit the metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells (acute lymphoblastic leukemia in particular) in order to develop novel therapies for pediatric cancers. Clinical trials based on laboratory-based discoveries translated to the clinic.
Contact Name: Dr. Julio Barredo
Contact information: Infectious Diseases
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Qualitative research regarding acceptance and efficacy of messaging interventions to improve vaccine uptake.
Research Summary: Investigate attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and possible barriers regarding vaccine uptake. Implement messaging strategies to mitigate vaccine hesitancy with a specific focus on influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.
Contact Name: Dr. Marisa Orbea
Contact information: Neonatology
Research area(s): Population Sciences
Project: I am currently mentoring a student in her project to study the effects of gasdermin D (GSDMD) knockout in preventing hyperoxia-induced brain injury in neonatal mice.
Research Summary: My laboratory investigates the mechanistic roles of inflammasomes in hyperoxia-induced neonatal lung, eye, and brain injury in rodent models. We are testing genetic modified mouse models and pharmacological inflammasome inhibitors and hope to identify novel therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity, and neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm infants.
Contact Name: Dr. Shu Wu
Contact information: Neonatology
Research area(s): Translational; Basic
Project: There are multiple projects that are currently ongoing in the lab where we expose the rats and mice to neonatal hyperoxia in order to evaluate the long-term functional and molecular cardiopulmonary effects in adulthood. We are currently studying therapeutic and
preventative strategies to prevent the long-term cardiopulmonary remodeling in the adult rats/mice who were exposed to neonatal hyperoxia. Our hope is to eventually translate our bench studies into the clinical setting.
Interested and dedicated medical students and residents are welcome to join in the ongoing
lab projects.
Research Summary: My research interest is in the pathogenesis of early origins of vascular disease in preterm born survivors. More specifically, my lab hopes to understand how early neonatal life exposures, like hyperoxia and oxidative stress lead to persistent alterations in structural and functional development of vasculature in the cardiopulmonary system.
Contact Name: Dr. Merlene Benny
Contact information: Nephrology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational; Population Sciences.
Project: Medical students interested in research in the field of nephrology should apply through the T32 KIIMERA grant with Dr. Alessia Fornoni, PI.
Research Summary: The Division of Pediatric Nephrology has a number of research and quality assurance initiatives associated with developmental nephrology and treatment modalities for acute and chronic kidney diseases from birth to maturity including dialysis and transplantation. Many projects are "translational" in nature and involve collaborations within the University across disciplines and extramural including the NIH and national and international society collaborations.
Contact Name: Dr. Carolyn Abitbol
Contact information: Psychology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational
Project: Current research projects focus on 1) psychosocial and behavioral predictors of health outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes; 2) pediatric obesity prevention in primary care; and 3) overcoming health disparities in type 1 diabetes. Projects are possible using two longitudinal data sets, one with type 1 diabetes and another with young children at risk for obesity. In both projects, ancillary studies could be proposed by medical students and residents and secondary data analyses conducted potentially leading to publications.
Research Summary: My research addresses behavioral and psychosocial issues in management of pediatric health conditions such as chronic illness and obesity. This includes both observational and interventional studies.
Contact Name: Dr. Alan Delamater
Contact information: -
Available Projects for Residents
Division: Adolescent Medicine
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Clinical visits for data gathering
Statistical summations.
Research Summary: Focus on screening for sexually transmitted infections among teenage and young adult Miami-Dade County populations, as well as specific HIV testing, inclusive of sexual minority youth.
Contact Name: Dr. Larry Friedman
Contact information: Adolescent Medicine
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Social media, and body image. Developed versus developing countries.
Research Summary: Awaiting grant award: developing an anti-racism, bias and micro aggressions curriculum for pediatric medical students and residents. Developmental stage: looking at differences/similarities in how social media usage affects adolescent body image perception in developing vs developed countries. Collaboration with university in Kingston, Jamaica.
Contact Name: Dr. Renee Morgan
Contact information: renee.morgan@miami.eduDivision: Allergy/Immunology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Clinical abstract/case report, Peanut, and food allergy clinical trial, QOL projects. Primary immune deficiency projects including stem cells and gene therapy.
Research Summary: Clinical research in Primary immune deficiency, stem cell transplant and food allergy. We conduct both pharmaceutical and NIH multicenter trials in A/I areas, with a focus on food allergy. The division is collaborating with the School of Nursing to explore QOL and clinical interventions in the food allergic child.
Contact Name: Dr. Gary Kleiner
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Quality Improvement Project- Impact of Pediatric Palliative Care Team
Quality Improvement Project- Decreasing Pain associated with needle procedures in Pediatrics.
Research Summary: Quality Improvement - Impact of Pediatric Palliative Care Team Narrative Medicine in Pediatric Critical Care Delirium in the Pediatric ICU Professional Identity Development in medical students, residents. Curriculum Development in Palliative Care in PCCM Fellowship Quality Improvement - Decreasing pain associated with needle procedures in Pediatrics Palliative Care Needs in an underserved population.
Contact Name: Dr. Amanda Alladin
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: Palliative care focused. Developing quality projects targeting pain assessment and management across age groups commencing in NICU.
Contact Name: Dr. Patricia Cantwell
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational; Basic
Project: I have ongoing projects using mouse models. The first is the application of therapies to improve skin allograft survival with post-surgical manipulation of the adaptive immune system, specifically conventional T lymphocyte depletion and regulatory T lymphocyte expansion. The second is the application of regulatory T lymphocyte expansion rescuing a lethal GVHD model and determining the mechanism that leads to survival.
Research Summary: Immunology, Transplantation, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics: My research goals are to advance transplant medicine by manipulating immune cells to induce tolerance. I, along with my mentor, develop therapies treating graft versus host disease (GVHD), a complication of stem cell transplantation, and solid organ chronic rejection using a pre-clinical mouse models. Other interests are small pilot clinical studies, bioinformatics in the setting the EHR, and biostatistics.
Contact Name: Dr. Brent Pfeiffer
Contact information: Critical Care
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: Research initiatives associated with the PALISI forum. Potential quality improvement projects. Simulation based training/education.
Contact Name: Dr. Asumthia Jeyapalan
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services; Population Sciences
Project: Involvement in data analysis, case reports, community outreach projects or any area of school health that aligns with their research interests.
Research Summary: My research is in population and community health. Research focus includes; Enhancing healthcare delivery in underserved and immigrant populations and identifying social determinants of health in these populations. Management of chronic disease in school health. Addressing vaccine hesitancy in school health settings.
Contact Name: Dr. Margia Ambroise
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Population Sciences
Project: Ongoing project - interviews with caregiving youth to better understand their experiences and impact. Ongoing project - analysis of data collected in partnership with UM school health clinic regarding caregiving youth. Future project - expansion and evaluation of community and hospital/ clinic-based services for caregiving youth. Future project - prevalence and impact of caregiving among medical students and trainees.
Research Summary: Caregiving Youth are children and adolescents who provide regular support to relatives or household members who need help due to physical or mental illness, disability, or frailty. This population of children is hidden and not well recognized in our schools and communities, leaving them at risk for both academic and health-related struggles if not supported. In partnership with the American Association of Caregiving Youth, I conduct research and work to raise awareness in the medical and broader communities.
Contact Name: Dr. Julie Belkowitz
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Population Sciences; Health Services
Project: 1) Program evaluation: IFCK (Injury Free Collations for Kids of Miami) provides hands on training to parents and community members regarding child injury prevention. We are looking for a student to help compile and analyze pre/ post surveys that have been collected to date and serve as an author to present this data as a poster presentation and/ or manuscript. This person would also provide feedback and help to adapt the data collection process for future evaluation.
2) Suicide prevention: IFCK is interested in expanding suicide prevention programming in our community. We are looking for a student to conduct a literature review to identify best practice in suicide prevention, identify community partners, and help develop a plan to expand the current prevention programming based upon findings.
Research Summary: We provide hospital and community-based programs aimed at educating families, caregivers, and providers on how to prevent unintentional injuries and fatalities in the pediatric population. We are open to students who are looking for research or quality improvement in this area.
Contact Name: Dr. Oneith Cadiz
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: 1) Improving patient centered continuity of care in our resident lead ambulatory care clinics. 2) Learning and implementing guidelines for treatment.
Research Summary: Quality improvement initiatives aimed to improve: 1) Communication among the care team, and patients and their families 2) Patient safety 3) High value of care.
Contact Name: Dr. Liz Bayes Santos
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No availability currently
Research Summary: My research interests are:
Resident selection: What is the best way to select medical students for residency? How does a rank list of graduating residents compare to the relative positions they hold on our rank order list prior to the match? Which one of our scores best correlates with this?
Education: Resident wellness, and long-term preparation for their careers, what is best for residents? A night float system or an overnight call schedule?
Contact Name: Dr. Luis E. Garcia-Chacon
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Retrospective chart review of referral patterns to academic center for leukopenia and stratify ANCS to outcome. Observe versus bone marrow biopsy.
Research Summary: Retrospective chart review of referral patterns to academic center for leukopenia and stratify ANCS to outcome. Observe versus bone marrow biopsy.
Contact Name: Dr. Nicole Torres
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Help with Clinical Research- recently with Familias Unidas.
Research Summary: Familias Unidas is a Hispanic-specific, family-based preventive intervention designed to prevent problem behaviors, including conduct disorders, illicit drug use, alcohol use, cigarette use, and sexual risk behaviors by improving family functioning (e.g., parent-adolescent communication, family support) among Hispanic youth.
Contact Name: Dr. Cecilia Morales
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services; Basic
Project: At PMC we are planning to start a Health Literacy research project. Given the recent influx of immigrants to Miami Dade, we notice that this population has a range of educational background and socio-economic status. We are interested in learning more about them and how to serve them in the best way possible.
Research Summary: At PMC we are planning to start a Health Literacy research project. Given the recent influx of immigrants to Miami Dade, we notice that this population has a range of educational background and socio-economic status. We are interested in learning more about them and how to serve them in the best way possible.
Contact Name: Dr. Wendy De La Rua
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Member of QI project team led by Dr. Bayes Santos, to increase continuity of care in pediatric resident continuity clinic at ACC West.
Research Summary: Incorporating pediatric resident education on racism, bias, and impact on medical care. More specifically, the history of racism in Miami and the effects on health outcomes; how to recognize and decrease stigmatizing language in the clinical setting; confronting microaggressions in the clinical setting.
Contact Name: Dr. Shani Jones
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Clinical; Population Sciences
Project: Residents can participate in data analysis, case reports, advocacy, which are in alignment with their respective interests.
Research Summary: My research includes the following themes:
-Innovative healthcare delivery in underserved populations, including mobile health, telehealth, and school health
-Improving access to care for uninsured children
-Vaccine hesitancy, COVID-19 vaccine uptake, community infection trends, and innovative detection methods
-Child health advocacy and policy
Contact Name: Dr. Lisa Gwynn
Contact information: General Pediatrics
Research area(s): Health Services; Population Sciences; Clinical
Project: Projects addressing any of the areas listed in #4.
Research Summary: We focus on racial/ethnic disparities in children's health and healthcare, social determinants of health, asthma, obesity, language barriers, and increasing the minority workforce in pediatrics.
Contact Name: Dr. Glenn Flores
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational
Project: Disparities in Ewing Sarcoma- working with resident Dan Pham
Cancer genetics questionnaire- working with resident Sofi Catena.
Research Summary: Sarcoma specific retrospective and translational research.
Contact Name: Dr. Aditi Dhir
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational
Project: 1) GVHD LLB grant to look retrospectively at our institutional GVHD data and state GVHD data and working to create a GVHD drug screen.
2) Institutional analysis of our PTLD population and outcomes with a focus on including NGS data and identifying any trends.
3) Joint project with GI transplant looking out our institutional outcomes for live transplant pts with hepatoblastoma.
Research Summary: Clinical research in the area of pediatric bone marrow transplantation and lymphoma with special interests in GVHD and PTLD.
Contact Name: Dr. Warren Alperstein
Contact information: walperstein@miami.eduDivision: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Opportunities for developing retrospective and prospective studies focused on the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcomes within the bleeding disorder community in the South Florida region as well as at a national level.
Opportunities to investigate the efficacy and safety of anticoagulation therapies and strategies in children with other chronic comorbidities, including end-stage kidney disease, multivisceral transplant, congenital heart disease, etc.
Research Summary: On-site Principal Investigator for several clinical trials in coagulation and thrombosis, including industry-sponsored phase I-II and III clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy and safety of novel hemostatic therapies and novel oral anticoagulants in children with venous thromboembolic events.
Other research interests include evaluation of the natural progression of joint and cardiovascular disease in hemophilic children, as well as a to study the clinical characteristics including the development of joint disease in women with bleeding disorders including von Willebrand disease and rare bleeding disorders.
Contact Name: Dr. Fernando F Corrales-Medina
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: No specific projects active at this time for students or residents at this time but will be happy to formulate a clinical project suited to the trainee's interests as they relate to stem cell transplant and oncology.
Research Summary: Interested in clinical projects related to stem cell transplantation, particularly for non-malignant diseases, as well as complications of stem cell transplantation, especially graft-versus-host disease.
Contact Name: Dr. David Crawford
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Retrospective chart review
Research Summary: Outcomes in children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at UM/JMH, based on pre-therapy co-morbidity index (HCT-MI)
Contact Name: Dr. Edward Dela Ziga
Contact information: Hematology Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Health Services
Project: Creation and implementation of individualized emergency department pain plans. I am currently working with one student and three residents.
Research Summary: 1) Sickle cell newborn screening and follow up of children with sickle cell disease in Haiti and Miami
2) Creation and implementation of individualized emergency department pain plans
Contact Name: Dr. Ofelia Alvarez
Contact information: Hematology-Oncology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational; Basic
Project: Translational and clinical projects in areas outlined under research summary
Research Summary: Translational research in pediatric cancer, with a focus on Acute Leukemia. Explore and exploit the metabolic vulnerabilities of cancer cells (acute lymphoblastic leukemia in particular) in order to develop novel therapies for pediatric cancers. Clinical trials based on laboratory-based discoveries translated to the clinic.
Contact Name: Dr. Julio Barredo
Contact information: Infectious Diseases
Research area(s): Clinical
Project: Qualitative research regarding acceptance and efficacy of messaging interventions to improve vaccine uptake.
Research Summary: Investigate attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and possible barriers regarding vaccine uptake. Implement messaging strategies to mitigate vaccine hesitancy with a specific focus on influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.
Contact Name: Dr. Marisa Orbea
Contact information: Neonatology
Research area(s): Population Sciences
Project: I am currently mentoring two pediatric residents, one is in a clinical project to determine if plasma inflammasomes can be used as biomarkers for BPD, and the other is in a basic project to study the role of ASC, an inflammasome component in hyperoxia-induced brain injury.
Research Summary: My laboratory investigates the mechanistic roles of inflammasomes in hyperoxia-induced neonatal lung, eye, and brain injury in rodent models. We are testing genetic modified mouse models and pharmacological inflammasome inhibitors and hope to identify novel therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity, and neurodevelopmental impairment in preterm infants.
Contact Name: Dr. Shu Wu
Contact information: Neonatology
Research area(s): Translational; Basic
Project: There are multiple projects that are currently ongoing in the lab where we expose the rats and mice to neonatal hyperoxia in order to evaluate the long-term functional and molecular cardiopulmonary effects in adulthood. We are currently studying therapeutic and
preventative strategies to prevent the long-term cardiopulmonary remodeling in the adult rats/mice who were exposed to neonatal hyperoxia. Our hope is to eventually translate our bench studies into the clinical setting.
Interested and dedicated medical students and residents are welcome to join in the ongoing
lab projects.
Research Summary: My research interest is in the pathogenesis of early origins of vascular disease in preterm born survivors. More specifically, my lab hopes to understand how early neonatal life exposures, like hyperoxia and oxidative stress lead to persistent alterations in structural and functional development of vasculature in the cardiopulmonary system.
Contact Name: Dr. Merlene Benny
Contact information: Nephrology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational; Population Sciences.
Project: Residents interested in research projects with the Division of Pediatric Nephrology should apply through the Research Section, Dr. Marissa DeFreitas, 305-585-6726.
Research Summary: The Division of Pediatric Nephrology has a number of research and quality assurance initiatives associated with developmental nephrology and treatment modalities for acute and chronic kidney diseases from birth to maturity including dialysis and transplantation. Many projects are "translational" in nature and involve collaborations within the University across disciplines and extramural including the NIH and national and international society collaborations.
Contact Name: Dr. Carolyn Abitbol or Dr. Marissa DeFreitas, 305-585-6726
Contact information: Psychology
Research area(s): Clinical; Translational
Project: Current research projects focus on 1) psychosocial and behavioral predictors of health outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes; 2) pediatric obesity prevention in primary care; and 3) overcoming health disparities in type 1 diabetes. Projects are possible using two longitudinal data sets, one with type 1 diabetes and another with young children at risk for obesity. In both projects, ancillary studies could be proposed by medical students and residents and secondary data analyses conducted potentially leading to publications.
Research Summary: My research addresses behavioral and psychosocial issues in management of pediatric health conditions such as chronic illness and obesity. This includes both observational and interventional studies.
Contact Name: Dr. Alan Delamater
Contact information: