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Continuing Education and Training

Mailman Center for Child Development

In addition to training graduate students, residents and fellows, the Mailman Center is committed to improving the knowledge and skills of community professionals and family members by providing them with trainings on best practices and emerging issues that impact children and adults with disabilities and their families.

In meeting this goal, the Mailman Center offers a variety of training and continuing education opportunities on wide range of topics related to advocacy and research in neurodevelopmental disabilities. The seminars, online modules, and workshops enable professionals to keep abreast of innovations in their discipline and/or acquire the continuing education units necessary to maintain certification. Many of our trainings are free and available online for professionals and family members to access on their own time and at their own pace.

  • Assistive Technology Trainings

  • Mailman Center Online Learning Community

  • Innovation and Connection Conference

  • Mailman Center Grand Rounds