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About Us

RAPID Program
Logo for RAPID Research Program

Welcome to the R.A.P.I.D. Program!

The mission of the R.A.P.I.D. Program is to provide innovative and accessible approaches to infectious disease prevention. We are passionate about lowering barriers to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP), and HIV care entry for people living in South Florida. We work with many academic and community partners to provide services and advance research on infectious disease prevention.

Our program encompasses three cores: Clinical, Research, and Educational.

Research Core:

  • Infectious Diseases Prevention Research Unit (IDPRU)
  • Bio-behavioral Research

Educational Core:

  • The RAPID Resource Program is designed to increase provider knowledge of the benefits of routine HIV testing for all Floridians, regardless of their risk status. Performing routine HIV testing is recommended in all health care settings. The RAPID Resource Program educates providers on how to offer Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis or PrEP services to individuals who are at a high risk of HIV. We offer practical advice to Florida providers for billing and coding related to HIV prevention services, that can assist with receiving reimbursement. Our goal is to increase routine HIV testing and referrals for PrEP services in health care settings. The RAPID Resource Program, is a joint initiative with the Florida Department of Health and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases.

For more information about the clinical core, please visit:

RAPID Clinic