This course is aimed to introduce you to computing capabilities and data science tools applicable to applications in bioinformatics. This one-credit hour course should assist you in knowing the tools and computing strategies across both worlds and help you make informed decisions on your career goals. This course is divided into four modules and will be engaged for a minimum of 15 contact hours. In first module, students are introduced to an overview of computing, data analytics, and other tools such as Jupyter Notebooks, and programming in python for data processing and analytics with specific examples drawn from sequencing and bioinformatics. The second module devotes a discussion on different types of computing environments accessible to you on campus, in the cloud, and learning on ways to access them for your application specific needs. In this module we will know how to use Triton/Pegasus on campus and google/IBM cloud project. In the third module, students will work with pipelines and machine learning tools for data analytics. At the end of this module, students will know how to load, process, and analyze data for outliers using python tools and explore machine learning algorithms. In the last module, students will be required to pick problems from a stack and grouped to discuss and propose what strategies they would apply to advance knowledge in the challenge problems. Each student will submit a report on their experiences and lessons learned.
Components: LEC.
Grading: SUS.
Typically Offered: Spring.