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Message from the Chair

Department of Medical Education

Latha ChandranI am pleased and proud to serve as the inaugural Chair of the Department of Medical Education. Our goal is to promote excellence in all our educational endeavors at the undergraduate, graduate and post graduate levels across the continuum of learning. With the variety of expertise that the first cohort of faculty bring to the new department, it is my hope that we elevate the visibility and prestige of the educational mission through rigorous evaluation and scholarly pursuits.

Building a robust evaluation and quality improvement program for our NextGenMD curriculum, as well as for our GME programs is our first goal. We are planning to develop a road map for faculty development programs in education and leadership that supports the career growth of faculty engaged in the educational process, including developing an Academy of Medical Education Scholars. Please join us in this exciting adventure.

Before we start our journey together, consider these key guiding principles that will help motivate our teams, anchor our decisions, and invigorate our programs.

Our guiding principles

  1. We serve our trainees and our faculty
  2. We strive for excellence in all we do
  3. We provide a respectful learning/work environment
  4. We value continuous learning and improvement with feedback
  5. We excel when we collaborate as high functioning team members
  6. We value our teams and the people who build those teams

Thank you for your interest in the Department of Medical Education. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please email me at I am ready to listen and learn.


Latha Chandran M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
Executive Dean for Education and Policy
Bernard J. Fogel Chair in Medical Education
Founding Chair, Department of Medical Education