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Message from the Speaker

Medical Faculty Council

Authorities of the Medical Faculty Council

The faculty of each school, including the Graduate School and the Library, shall establish a Council as its executive agency. The voting members of the faculty of each school shall elect from their members a Council which shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
  1. It shall act as the committee on academic planning, educational and research policy, and general welfare of the school.
  2. It shall elect all committees of the school faculty.
  3. It shall act as the confidential counsel to the Dean of the School in any matter submitted by the Dean.
  4. It or its designee shall set the date and hour and prepare the agenda for all regular meetings of the school faculty.
  5. It shall include in the agenda any matter requested in writing by ten percent of the voting members of the school faculty.
  6. It may make recommendations to the school faculty concerning proposed actions.
  7. It may act for the school faculty, as authorized annually by the school faculty, and report such actions at the next meeting of the school faculty.

The authority of the Council to elect committees of the school faculty in no way limits the authority of the Dean to appoint ad hoc committees from the school faculty to advise the Dean.

***As per the Faculty Manual

Medical School Council BYLAWS