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Selected Recent Publications
C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis of non-traditional species: a review. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2021; 50(4):478-494. doi:10.1111/vcp.13067.
N. Stacy, C. Hollinger, J.E. Arnold, C. Cray, H. Pendl, P.J. Nelson and J. Harvey. Left shift and toxic change in heterophils and neutrophils of non-mammalian vertebrates: a comparative review, image atlas, and practical considerations. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2022; 51(1): 18-44. doi: 10.1111/vcp.13117
N. Stacy, C. Hollinger, J.E. Arnold, C. Cray, H. Pendl, P.J. Nelson and J. Harvey. Proposal for standardized classification of left shit, toxic change, and increased nuclear segmentation in heterophils and neutrophils in non-mammalian vertebrates. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2022; 51(1):14-17. https://doi.org/10.1111/vcp.13120
R. Hauck, C. Cray, and M. Franca. Spotlight on avian pathology: aspergillosis. Avian Pathology, 49(2):115-118, 2020.
A. Valdivia, K. Ortega, S. Bhattacharya, and C. Cray. Capillary electrophoresis assessment of plasma protein changes in an African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) with aspergillosis. ACS Omega dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04983, 2020.
G. Desoubeaux, M. Piqueras, C. Le-Bert, V. Fravel, T. Clauss, A.J. Delaune, R. Daniels, E.D. Jensen, J.E. Flower, G.D. Bossart, S.K. Bhattacharya, and C. Cray. Labeled quantitative mass spectrometry to study the host response during aspergillosis in the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Veterinary Microbiology, 232: 42-49, 2019.
G. Desoubeaux, D. Chauvin, M. Piqueras Soria, E. Bronson, S. Bhattacharya, G. Sirpenski, E. Bailly, and C. Cray. Translational proteomic study to address host protein changes during aspergillosis. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200843. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200843, 2018.
G. Desoubeaux and C. Cray. Animal models of aspergillosis. Comparative Medicine, 68(2):109-123, 2018.
G Desoubeaux, C. Le-Bert, V. Fravel, T. Clauss, A.J. Delaune, J. Soto, E.D. Jensen, J.E. Flower, R. Wells, G.D. Bossart, C. Cray. Evaluation of commercial Aspergillus Western blot IgG kit and a genus-specific ELISA for the diagnosis of aspergillosis in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Medical Mycology, 56(7):847-856 , 2018.
G. Desoubeaux, M. Rodriguez, E. Bronson, G. Sirpenski, and C. Cray. Application of 3-hydroxybutyrate measurement and plasma protein electrophoresis in the diagnosis of aspergillosis in African penguins (Spheniscus demerus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(3):696-703, 2018.
G. Desoubeaux and C. Cray. Rodent models of invasive aspergillosis due to Aspergillus fumigatus: still a long path towards standardization. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8:841, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.00841, 2017
D. Fischer, L. Van Waeyenberghe, C. Cray, M. Gross, E. Usleber, F. Pasmans, A. Martel, and M. Lierz. Comparison of diagnostic tools for the detection of aspergillosis in blood samples of experimentally infected falcons. Avian Diseases, 58(4):587-298, 2014.
M. Franca, C. Cray, and H.L. Shivaprasad. Serological testing for aspergillosis in broiler chickens and commercial turkeys. Avian Diseases, 56(1):160-164, 2012.
C. Cray. Part II: Clinical interpretation of aspergillosis test results.ExoticDVM, 12(2):29-31, 2010.
C. Cray. New testing options for the diagnosis of avian aspergillosis. ExoticDVM,12(1): 32-34, 2010.
C. Cray, D. Reavill, A. Romagnano, F. Van Sant, D. Champagne, R. Stevenson, V. Rolfe, C. Griffin, and S. Clubb. Galactomannan assay and protein electrophoresis findings in psittacine birds with aspergillosis. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 23(2):125-135, 2009.
C. Cray, T. Watson, and K. Arheart. Serosurvey and diagnostic application of antibody titers to Aspergillus in avian species. Avian Diseases, 53:491-494, 2009.
C. Cray, T. Watson, M. Rodriguez, K. Arheart. Application of galactomannan analysis and protein electrophoresis in the diagnosis of aspergillosis in avian species.Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 40(1):64-70, 2009.
Encephalitzoon cuniculi
A. Lennox, Y. Asahi, K. Arheart, T. Ichiyanagi, and C. Cray. Preliminary evaluation of an immunoturbidimetric assay and lateral flow device for the measurement of serum amyloid A in rabbits. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 33:54-56, 2020.
C, Cray, M.P. Liebl, K. Arheart, R. Peschke, F. Kunzel, and A. Joachim. Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunofluorescence test for determination of anti- Encephalitozoon cuniculi antibodies in sera from rabbits with different clinical and histopathological presentations. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 32:39-42, 2020.
G. Desoubeaux, R. Peschke, C. Le-Bert, V. Fravel, J. Soto, E.D. Jensen, J. Flower, R. Wells, A. Joachim, and C. Cray. Seroprevalence survey for microsporidia in common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): example of a quantitative approach based on immunoblotting. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 54(4):870-873, 2018.
G. Desoubeaux, A. Pantin, R. Peschke, A. Joachim, and C. Cray. Application of Western blot analysis for the diagnosis of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits: example of a quantitative approach. Parasitology Research, 116:743-750, 2017.
G. Desoubeaux, M. Piqueras, A. Pantin, S. Bhattacharya, R. Peschke, A. Joachim, and C. Cray. Application of mass spectrometry to elucidate the pathophysiology of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits. PLoS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177961, 2017.
C. Kourgelis, C. Reilly, M. Von Roedern, C. Cray.. Serological survey for antibody to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in cats within the United States. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 9:122-124, 2017.
S. Berger Baldotto, C. Cray, A. Turner Giannico, L. Reifur, F. Montiani-Ferreira. Seroprevalence of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in pet rabbits in Brazil. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24:435-440, 2015.
C. Cray, E. Perritt, S. McKenny, K. Arheart. Utility of IgM titers with IgG and CRP quantitation in the diagnosis of suspected Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24:256-260, 2015.
C. Cray, E. Perritt, C. Hughes, and R. L. Belgrave. Serological survey for antibody to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in horses in the United States. Parasitology Research, 113:2757-2759, 2014.
C. Cray, M. Rodriguez, and Y. Fernandez. Acute phase protein levels in rabbits with suspected Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 280-286, 2013.
C. Cray and Y. Rivas. Serological survey for antibody to Encephalitozoon cuniculi in dogs in the United States. Journal of Parasitology, 99(1):153-154, 2013.
C. Cray. New testing option for the diagnosis of Encephalitzoon cuniculi in rabbits. ExoticDVM, 11(2):27-28, 2009.
C. Cray, G. Arcia, S. Kelleher, R. Schneider, and K. Arheart. Application of ELISA and protein electrophoresis in the diagnosis of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 70(4):478-482, 2009.
Acute Phase Proteins
Y.L. Boakari, A. Esteller-Vico, S.C. Loux, H. El-Sheikh Ali, C.B. Fernandes, P. Dini, K.E. Scoggin, C. Cray, and B.A. Ball. Serum amyloid A, serum amyloid A1 and haptoglobin in pregnant mares and their fetuses after experimental induction of placentitis. Animal Reproduction Science, 229: 106766. 2021.
J.E. Flower, J.N. Langan, R.S. Wells, C. Cray, K.L. Arheart, S.K. Chinnadurai, and M.J. Adkesson. Serum acute phase proteins in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and correlation with commonly utilized inflammatory indices. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51(3):657-662, 2020.
E. H. Hooijberg, C.Cray, G. Steenkamp, P. Buss, A. Goddard, and M. Miller. Assessment of the acute phase response in healthy and injured southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Frontiers in Veterinary Science. doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2019.00475, 2020.
A. Lennox, Y. Asahi, K. Arheart, T. Ichiyanagi, and C. Cray. Preliminary evaluation of an immunoturbidimetric assay and lateral flow device for the measurement of serum amyloid A in rabbits. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 33:54-56, 2020.
S. Miller, C. Cray, A.M. Schaefer, J.S. Reif, K. Roberts, and G.D. Bossart. Assessment of serum amyloid A, haptoglobin, and protein electrophoresis in clinically healthy and abnormal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 46(2):131-136, 2020.
K. Tobin, D. Zimmerman, C. Hilton, R.E. Jung, D. Armstrong, W. Gann, L. Harveson, S. Gray, and C. Cray. Establishment of acute phase protein and serum protein electrophoresis preliminary reference intervals for pronghorn (Antilocapra americana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(2)321-325, 2020.
M.I. Thurber, C. Singleton, and C. Cray. Reference intervals for acute phase proteins for koalas (Phascolarctos cinerus) at the San Diego Zoo. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 50(3)735-738, 2019.
C.Cray, R.I. Knibb, and J.R. Knibb. Serum amyloid A and plasma protein electrophoresis fractions in farmed white-tailed deer. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 31(3):458-462, 2019.
E.H. Hooijberg, M. Miller, C. Cray, P. Buss, G. Steenkamp, and A. Goddard. Serum protein electrophoresis in healthy and injured southern white rhinoceros (Cerathotherium simum simum). PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200347. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200347, 2018.
S. Miller, M. Davis, J.A. Hernandez, J. St. Leger, C. Cray, P. Bishop, and N.I. Stacy. Serum amyloid A in healthy female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) during and after complicated pregnancy. Aquatic Mammals, 43(4):417-420, 2017.
J.D. Sheldon, S.P. Johnson, J.A. Hernandez, C. Cray, and N.I. Stacy. Acute-phase responses in healthy, malnourished, and Otostrongylus infected juvenile northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustrirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(3):767-775, 2017.
S.L. Bartlett, N. Lamberski, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis and haptoglobin values for captive bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8:646500, 2021. doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.646500
M.W. Hyatt, C.L. Field, T.M. Clauss, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Plasma protein electrophoresis and select acute phase proteins in healthy bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) under managed care. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47(4):984-992, 2016.
S. Sander, P.H. Joyner, C. Cray, D.S. Rotstein, and C. Aitken-Palmer. Acute phase proteins as a marker of inflammation in a Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalski). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47(2)654-658, 2016.
I. Canisso, B.A. Ball, C. Cray, E.L. Squires, and M.H. Troedsson. Use of a qualitative horse-side test to measure serum amyloid A in mares with experimentally induced ascending placentitis. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 35:54-59, 2015.
E. F. Christiansen, C. Cray, G. Lewbart, and C. Harms. Plasma protein electrophoresis and acute phase proteins in koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) following exploratory celiotomy. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24:76-83, 2015.
C. Cray, E. Perritt, S. McKenny, K. Arheart. Utility of IgM titers with IgG and CRP quantitation in the diagnosis of suspected Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24:256-260, 2015.
K. Delk, R.F. Wack, A. Burgdorf-Moisuk, P.H. Kass, and C. Cray. Acute phase protein and protein electrophoresis values for captive American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46(4):929-933, 2015.
M. Ravich, C. Johnson-Delaney, S. Kelleher, L. Hess, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Quantitation of acute phase proteins and protein electrophoresis fractions in ferrets. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24(2):201-208, 2015.
I. Canisso, B.A. Ball, C. Cray, N.M. Williams, K.E. Scoggin, G.M. Davoili, E. L. Squires, M.H. Troedsson. Serum amyloid A and haptoglobin concentrations are elevated in plasma of mares with ascending placentitis in the absence of changes in peripheral leukocyte counts or fibrinogen concentration. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 72(4):376-385, 2014.
C. Cray and R.L. Belgrave. Haptoglobin quantitation in serum samples from clinically normal and clinically abnormal horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 34(2):337-340, 2014.
M. Dickey, C. Cray, T. Norton, M. Murray, C. Barysauskas, K.L. Arheart, S. Nelson, and M. Rodriguez. Assessment of hemoglobin binding protein in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) undergoing rehabilitation. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45(3):700-703, 2014.
J.E. Flower, J. Byrd, C. Cray, and M. Allender. Plasma electrophoretic profiles and hemoglobin binding protein reference intervals in the Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) and influences of age, sex, season, and geography. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45(4):836-842, 2014.
R. Isaza, E. Wiedner, S. Hiser, and C. Cray. Reference intervals for acute phase protein and serum protein electrophoresis values in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 26(5):616-621, 2014.
L. Krol, M. Allender, C. Cray, R. George. Plasma proteins and selected acute-phase proteins in the whitespotted bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium plagiosm). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45(4):782-7896, 2014.
R. Belgrave, M. Dickey, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Assessment of serum amyloid A (SAA) testing and its clinical application in a specialized equine practice. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA), 243(1):113-119, 2013.
C. Cray. Biomarkers of inflammation in exotic pets. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 22:245-250, 2013.
C. Cray, K. Arheart, M. Hunt, L. Leppert, K. Roberts, S. McCulloch, J. Goldstein, C. Gonzalez, J. Sweeney, R. Stone, P.A. Fair, and G. Bossart. Acute phase protein quantitation in serum from healthy Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 25(1)107-111, 2013.
S.L. Bartlett, N. Lamberski, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis and haptoglobin values for captive bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8:646500, 2021. doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.646500
Protein Electrophoresis
N. Busceglia, K. Arheart, S. Chen, and C. Cray. Preliminary reference intervals for hematology, biochemistry, and protein electrophoresis for the spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(2):704-709, 2021.
J.E. Arnold, C.A. Hadfield, L.A. Clayton, C. Cray, D. Jones, and M. Payton. Methods development and reference intervals generation for analysis of free-ranging Atlantic horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) hemolymph. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2021; 50:259-272, https://doi.org/10.1111/vcp.12983.
L. Atallahbenson, L. Merly, C. Cray, and N. Hammerschlag. Serum protein analysis of the South Florida nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 32(2):77-82, 2020.
E. H. Hooijberg, C.Cray, G. Steenkamp, P. Buss, A. Goddard, and M. Miller. Assessment of the acute phase response in healthy and injured southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Frontiers in Veterinary Science. doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2019.00475, 2020.
M. Kneeland, E. Berman, T. Grade, J. Cooley, H. Vogel, N. Schoch, C. Cray, V. Stout, D. Evers, and M. Pokras. Plasma biochemistry and protein electrophoresis reference interval of the common loon (Gavia immer). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51(3):561-570, 2020.
S. Miller, C. Cray, A.M. Schaefer, J.S. Reif, K. Roberts, and G.D. Bossart. Assessment of serum amyloid A, haptoglobin, and protein electrophoresis in clinically healthy and abnormal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 46(2):131-136, 2020.
K. Tobin, D. Zimmerman, C. Hilton, R.E. Jung, D. Armstrong, W. Gann, L. Harveson, S. Gray, and C. Cray. Establishment of acute phase protein and serum protein electrophoresis preliminary reference intervals for pronghorn (Antilocapra americana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(2)321-325, 2020.
M. Toonder, J.R. Perrault, and C. Cray. Comparison of agarose gel and capillary zone electrophoresis methods using plasma from green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46(2):131-136, 2020.
A. Valdivia, K. Ortega, S. Bhattacharya, and C. Cray. Capillary electrophoresis assessment of plasma protein changes in an African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) with aspergillosis. ACS Omega doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c04983, 2020.
C.Cray, R.I. Knibb, and J.R. Knibb. Serum amyloid A and plasma protein electrophoresis fractions in farmed white-tailed deer. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 31(3):458-462, 2019.
M.I. Thurber, C. Singleton, and C. Cray. Reference intervals for acute phase proteins for koalas (Phascolarctos cinerus) at the San Diego Zoo. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 50(3)735-738, 2019.
G. Desoubeaux, M. Rodriguez, E. Bronson, G. Sirpenski, and C. Cray. Application of 3-hydroxybutyrate measurement and plasma protein electrophoresis in the diagnosis of aspergillosis in African penguins (Spheniscus demerus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(3):696-703, 2018.
E.H. Hooijberg, M. Miller, C. Cray, P. Buss, G. Steenkamp, and A. Goddard. Serum protein electrophoresis in healthy and injured southern white rhinoceros (Cerathotherium simum simum). _PLoS ONE _13(7): e0200347. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200347, 2018.
J.F. Rosenberg, J.A. Hernandez, J.F.X. Wellehan, S.E. Crevasse, C. Cray, and N.I. Stacy. Diagnostic performance of inflammatory markers in gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(3):765-769, 2018.
J.F. Rosenberg, J.F.X. Wellehan, S.E. Crevasse, C. Cray, and N.I. Stacy. Reference intervals for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, lactate, fibrinogen, hematology, and plasma protein electrophoresis in clinically healthy captive gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(3):520-527, 2018.
J.D. Sheldon, S.P. Johnson, J.A. Hernandez, C. Cray, and N.I. Stacy. Acute-phase responses in healthy, malnourished, and Otostrongylus infected juvenile northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustrirostris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(3):767-775, 2017.
M.W. Hyatt, C.L. Field, T.M. Clauss, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Plasma protein electrophoresis and select acute phase proteins in healthy bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo) under managed care. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47(4):984-992, 2016.
M.C. Allender, R.E. Junge, and C. Cray. Plasma electrophoretic profiles of the eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) and influences of age, sex, year, location, and snake fungal disease. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46(4):767-773, 2015.
E. F. Christiansen, C. Cray, G. Lewbart, and C. Harms. Plasma protein electrophoresis and acute phase proteins in koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) following exploratory celiotomy. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24:76-83, 2015.
C. Cray, M. Rodriguez, C. Field, A. McDermott, L. Leppert, T. Clauss, and G.D. Bossart. Protein and cholesterol electrophoresis of plasma samples from captive cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 27(6):688-695, 2015.
K. Delk, R.F. Wack, A. Burgdorf-Moisuk, P.H. Kass, and C. Cray. Acute phase protein and protein electrophoresis values for captive American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46(4):929-933, 2015.
J. Hausmann, C. Cray, and B.K. Hartup. Comparison of serum protein electrophoresis among wild and captive whooping cranes (Grus americana). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 29(3):192-199, 2015.
M. Ravich, C. Johnson-Delaney, S. Kelleher, L. Hess, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Quantitation of acute phase proteins and protein electrophoresis fractions in ferrets. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 24(2):201-208, 2015.
J.E. Flower, J. Byrd, C. Cray, and M. Allender. Plasma electrophoretic profiles and hemoglobin binding protein reference intervals in the Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) and influences of age, sex, season, and geography. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45(4):836-842, 2014.
R. Isaza, E. Wiedner, S. Hiser, and C. Cray. Reference intervals for acute phase protein and serum protein electrophoresis values in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 26(5):616-621, 2014.
J. Zaias, G.D. Bossart, and C. Cray. Comparison of agarose gel electrophoresis and capillary zone electrophoresis methods using serum from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 47(2):146-152, 2021.
S.L. Bartlett, N. Lamberski, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis and haptoglobin values for captive bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8:646500, 2021. doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.646500
N. Busceglia, K. Arheart, S. Chen, and C. Cray. Preliminary reference intervals for hematology, biochemistry, and protein electrophoresis for the spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(2):704-709, 2021.
L. Krol, M. Allender, C. Cray, R. George. Plasma proteins and selected acute-phase proteins in the whitespotted bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium plagiosm). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45(4):782-7896, 2014.
N. Busceglia, K. Arheart, S. Chen, and C. Cray. Preliminary reference intervals for hematology, biochemistry, and protein electrophoresis for the spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(2):704-709, 2021.A. Lennox, S. Clubb, A. Romagnano, N.H. Altman, and C. Cray. Monoclonal hyperglobulinemia in lymphosarcoma in a cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) and a blue and gold macaw (Ara ararauna). Avian Diseases, 58(2):326-329, 2014.
C. Cray, E. Hammond, and H. Haefele. Acute phase protein and protein electrophoresis values for captive Grant’s zebra (Equus burchelli). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 44(4):1105-1108, 2013.
J. Stanton, C. Cray, M. Dickey, M. Rodriguez, K. Arheart, P. Ling, and A. Herron. Acute phase protein expression during elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus-1 viremia in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 44(3):605-612, 2013.
G. Bossart, K. Arheart, M. Hunt, L. Leppert, K. Roberts, S. McCulloch, J. Goldstein, C. Gonzalez, J. Sweeney, R. Stone, P.A. Fair, and C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis of serum from healthy Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 38(4):412-417, 2012.
G.W. Pye, W. Ellis, S. FitzGibbon, B. Opitz, L. Keener, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Serum protein electrophoresis reference intervals for free-ranging and zoo-based koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 43(1):183-186, 2012.
C. Cray, E. King, M. Rodriguez, L. Decker, and K.L. Arheart. Differences in protein fractions of avian plasma between three commercial electrophoresis systems. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 25(2):102-110, 2011.
C. Cray, A. Wack, and K.L. Arheart. Invalidity of albumin measurement of specimens from clinically ill birds by bromcresol green methodology. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 25(1):14-22, 2011.
C. Cray, D.G. Besselsen, J.L. Hart, D. Yoon, M. Rodriguez, J. Zaias, and N.H. Altman. Application of acute phase protein quantitation and protein electrophoresis in monitoring the acute inflammatory process in experimentally and naturally infected mice. Comparative Medicine, 60(4):263-271, 2010.
C. Cray, G. Arcia, S. Kelleher, R. Schneider, and K. Arheart. Application of ELISA and protein electrophoresis in the diagnosis of Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in rabbits. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 70(4):478-482, 2009.
C. Cray, D. Reavill, A. Romagnano, F. Van Sant, D. Champagne, R. Stevenson, V. Rolfe, C. Griffin, and S. Clubb. Galactomannan assay and protein electrophoresis findings in psittacine birds with aspergillosis. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 23(2):125-135, 2009.
C. Cray, T. Watson, M. Rodriguez, K. Arheart. Application of galactomannan analysis and protein electrophoresis in the diagnosis of aspergillosis in avian species. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 40(1):64-70, 2009.
C. Cray, M. Rodriguez, and J. Zaias. Protein electrophoresis of psittacine plasma. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 36(1):67-72, 2007.
J. Zaias and C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis: a tool for the reptilian and amphibian practitioner. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 12(1): 30-32, 2002.
L. Tatum, J. Zaias, B.K. Mealey, C. Cray, and G.D. Bossart. Protein electrophoresis as a diagnostic tool in raptor medicine.Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 31:497-502, 2000.
C. Cray and L. Tatum. Application of protein electrophoresis in avian diagnostic testing. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 12:4-10, 1998.
J. Zaias, G.D. Bossart, and C. Cray. Comparison of agarose gel electrophoresis and capillary zone electrophoresis methods using serum from bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Aquatic Mammals, 47(2):146-152, 2021.
S.L. Bartlett, N. Lamberski, K.L. Arheart, and C. Cray. Protein electrophoresis and haptoglobin values for captive bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8:646500, 2021. doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.646500
Avian Species – Clinical Pathology Studies
S. Agusti, R. Cuenca, S. Lavin, C. Cray, R. Molina, O. Nicolas, E. Serrano Ferron, I. Marco, and E. Casas. Blood biochemistry reference intervals and age effect in European Strigiformes. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 47(1):78-93, 2018.
C. Lujan-Vega, M.G. Hawkins, C.K. Johnson, C. Briggs, C Vennum, P.H. Bloom, J.M. Hull, C. Cray, D. Pesti, L. Johnson, P. Ciembor, B.R. Ritchie. Atypical Chlamydiaceae in wild populations of hawks (Buteo sp) in California. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(1):108-115, 2018.
S. Agusti, R. Molina, C. Cray, S. Lavin, O. Nicolas, I. Marco, E. Casas, and R. Cuenca. Hematologic reference intervals and longitudinal analyses in tawny owl (Strix aluco), little owl (Athene noctua), Scops owl (Otus scops), long-eared owl (Asio otus) and bard owl (Tyto alba). Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 46(3):483-495, 2017.
C. Cray. Reference intervals in avian and exotic hematology. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 18:105-116, 2015.
S. Clubb, J. Velez, M.M. Garner, J. Zaias, and C. Cray. Health and reproductive assessment of selected Puerto Rican parrots (Amazona vittata) in captivity. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 90(4):313-325, 2015.
K. Delk, R.F. Wack, A. Burgdorf-Moisuk, P.H. Kass, and C. Cray. Acute phase protein and protein electrophoresis values for captive American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46(4):929-933, 2015.
L. Rayhel, C. Aitken-Palmer, P. Joyner, C. Cray, C. Lizarraga, B. Ackerman, and C. Crowe. Hematology and chemistry of the captive white-naped crane (Grus vipio). J Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 46(4):747-754, 2015.
H. Beaufrere, C. Cray, M. Ammersbach, and T. Tully. Plasma cholesterol differences mirror interspecies differences in atherosclerosis prevalence in psittaciforms. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 28(3):225-231, 2014.
L.M. Ferguson, T.M. Norton, C. Cray, M. Oliva, and P.G.R. Jodice. Health assessments of brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) nestlings from colonies in South Carolina and Georgia U.S.A. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 45(4):802-812, 2014.
M. Jones, K. Arheart, and C. Cray. Reference intervals, longitudinal analyses, and index of individuality of commonly measured variables in captive bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 28(2):118-126, 2014.
M. Ravich, C. Cray, L. Hess, and K.L. Arheart. Lipid panel reference intervals for Amazon parrots (Amazona species). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 28(3):209-215, 2014.
H. Beaufrere, J. Nevarez, N. Wakamatsu, S. Clubb, C. Cray, and T. Tully. Experimental diet-induced atherosclerosis in Quaker parrots (Myiopsitta monachus). Veterinary Pathology, 50(6):1116-1126, 2013.
F. Tang, S. Messinger, and C. Cray. Use of the indirect sampling method to produce reference intervals for hematology and chemistry analyses in samples from psittaciforms.Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 27(3): 194-203, 2013.
C. Cray. Infectious disease testing in pet birds. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 31(1):71-85, 2011.
D. Carlson-Bremer, T.M. Norton, K.V. Gilardi, E.S. Dierenfeld, B. Winn, F.J. Sanders, C. Cray, M. Oliva, T.C. Chen, S.E. Gibbs, L.M. Mazzaro, M.S. Sepulveda, and C.K. Johnson. Health assessment of American oystercatchers (Haematopuspalliatus palliatus) in Georgia and South Carolina. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 46(3):772-780, 2010.
C. Cray, D. Stremme, and K. Arheart. Post-prandial biochemistry changes in penguins (Spheniscus demersus) including hyperuricemia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 41(2):325-326, 2010.
M. Lichtenberger, C. Orcutt, D. DeBehnke, C. Cray, C. Paige, L. Mull, and R. Kirby. Comparison of fluid types for resuscitation after acute blood loss in mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos), Journal of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care, 19(5):467-472, 2009.
C. Cray, D. Gautier, D.J. Harris, and K.L. Arheart. Changes in clinical enzyme activity and bile acids levels with altered liver function and disease in psittacine species. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 22(1):17-24, 2008.
C. Cray, M. Rodriguez, and K. Arheart. Use of refractometry for determination of psittacine plasma protein concentration. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 37(4):438-442, 2008.
C. Cray and D. Villar. Cross reactivity of anti-chicken IgY antibody with immunoglobulins of exotic animal species. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 37(3):327-331, 2008.
S. Deem, E. Ladwig, C. Cray, W.B. Karesh, G. Amato. Health assessment of the ex situ population of Saint Vincent parrots (Amazona guildingii) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 22(2):114-122, 2008.
D. Villar, M. Kramer, L. Howard, E. Hammond, C. Cray, and K. Latimer. Clinical presentation and pathology of sarcocystosis in psittaciform birds: 11 cases. Avian Diseases, 52:187-194, 2008.
S.L. Clubb, C. Cray, K. Arheart, and M. Goodman. Comparison of selected diagnostic parameters in African Grey Parrots (Psittacus erithacus) with normal plumage and those exhibiting feather damaging behavior.Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 21(4):259-264, 2007.
S. Newman, V.M. Padula, C. Cray, and L.D. Kramer. Health assessment of black-crowned night-herons of the New York harbor estuary. Journal of Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 148:363-374, 2007.
C.Cray, J. Roskos, K. Zielezienski-Roberts. Detection of cotinine, a nicotine metabolite, in the plasma of birds exposed to second hand smoke, Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 19(4):277-279, 2005.
C. Cray, K. Zieleienski-Roberts, M. Bonda, R. Stevenson, R. Ness, S. Clubb, and A. Marsh. Antemortem diagnosis of sarcocytosis in psittacine birds, Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 19(3):208-215, 2005.
C. Cray and M. Bonda. Application of IFA serology to the diagnosis of chlamydophilosis in a pet store. AAV Clinical Forum, pp. 7-9, July-August, 2005.
C. Cray and J. Zaias. “Laboratory procedures” in Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotics Animal Practice, Eds. A. Rupley and M. Schulte, Elsevier, Inc., 7(2):487-518, 2004.
C. Cray and A. Andreopoulos. Comparison of two methods to determine plasma bile acids concentrations in healthy birds. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 17(1):11-15, 2003.
C Cray. Ways to improve outside laboratory results.ExoticDVM. 4.6:22, 2003.
C. Cray, E. Greiner, K. Zielezienski. Serological diagnosis of Sarcocystosis. AAV Newsletter & Clinical Forum, pp 3-5, March-May, 2002.
C. Cray, G. Bossart. Biochemical tests for clinical use on avian samples. AAV Newsletter & Clinical Forum, pp. 4-5, Sept-Nov, 2001.
S. Kossoff, R. Bladow, and C. Cray. Standardization of avian diagnostics in hematology and chemistry. AAV Newsletter & Clinical Forum, pp. 6-7, Sept-Nov, 2001.
R.R. Mitchell, S.D. Fitzgerald, R.J. Aulerich, R.J. Balander, D.C. Powell, R.J. Tempelman, C. Cray, W. Stevens, and S.J. Bursain. Chronic dosing study to assess the health and reproductive effects of tungsten-iron and tungsten-polymer shot on game-farm mallards. 2. Hematological effects and concentrations of metal residues in selected tissues of adult mallards. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 37:459-467, 2001.
J. Zaias, W.P. Fox, C. Cray, and N.H. Altman. Comparative clinical pathology of the brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis): hematology, protein electrophoresis, and blood chemistry. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 61:771-774, 2000.
C. Cray, et al. Roundtable on chlamydiosis from the 1998 AAV Annual Conference. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery. 13:45-49, 1999.
M.E. Kelly, S.D. Fitzgerald, R.J. Aulerich, R.J. Balander, D.C. Powell, R.L. Stickle, W. Stevens, C. Cray, R.J. Tempelman, and S. J. Bursian. The effect of tungsten-iron and tungsten-polymer Shot on game-farm mallards. Journal of Wildlife Disease 34:673-687, 1998.
Reptile Species – Clinical Pathology Studies
K. Rainwater, C. McClave, B.L. Raphael, C. Cray, A.D. Franklin, D.M. Powell, and F.J. Burton. Hematology, plasma biochemistry, and plasma protein electrophoresis in blue iguanas (Cyclura lewisi) from Grand Cayman Island. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51(4):933-947, 2020.
N. Busceglia, K. Arheart, S. Chen, and C. Cray. Preliminary reference intervals for hematology, biochemistry, and protein electrophoresis for the spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(2):704-709, 2021.
J. E. Bogan, C. Cray, M. Rick, and F.B. Antonio. Comparison of selected blood parameters of captive easting indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi) housed indoors versus housed outdoors in Central Florida, USA. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 30(3):165-172, 2020.
J. Perrault, M.D. Arendt, J.A. Schwenter, J.L. Byrd, C.A. Harms, C. Cray, K.A. Tuxbury, L.D. Wood, and N. Stacy. Blood analytes of immature Kemp’s ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) from Georgia, USA: reference intervals and body size correlations, Conservation Physiology, 8. 10.1093/conphys/coaa091, 2020.
J.F. Rosenberg, J.A. Hernandez, J.F.X. Wellehan, S.E. Crevasse, C. Cray, and N.I. Stacy. Diagnostic performance of inflammatory markers in gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus). Journal of Zoo & Wildlife Medicine, 49(3):765-769, 2018.
J.F. Rosenberg, J.F.X. Wellehan, S.E. Crevasse, C. Cray, and N.I. Stacy. Reference intervals for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, lactate, fibrinogen, hematology, and plasma protein electrophoresis in clinically healthy captive gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 49(3):520-527, 2018.
N.I. Stacy, R.M. Chabot, C.J. Innis, C. Cray, K.M. Fraser, K. S. Rigano, J.R. Perrault. Plasma chemistry in nesting leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) from Florida: understanding the importance of sample hemolysis on blood analytes. PLoS ONE, 14(9): e0222426, 2019.
N.I. Stacy, J.M. Lynch, M.D. Arendt, L. Avens, J. McNeill, C. Cray, R. D. Day, C. Harms, A.M. Lee, M.M. Peden-Adams, K. Thorvalson, A.L. Segars, and T.M. Norton. Chronic debilitation in stranded loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Southeastern United States: morphometrics and clinicopathological findings. PLoS ONE, 13(7): e0200355. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200355, 2018.
N. Stacy, C.L. Field, L. Staggs, R.A. MacLean, B.A Stacy, J. Keene, D. Cacela, C. Pelton, C. Cray, M. Kelley, S. Holmes, and C.J. Innis. Clinicopathological findings in sea turtles assessed during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response. Endangered Species Research, 33:25-37, 2017.
S.E. Knafo, T. Norton, M. Mitchell, D.J. Stevenson, N. Hyslop, R. Poppenga, M. Oliva, T. Chen, C. Cray, S.E. Gibbs, L. Durden, N. Stedman, S. Divers, and E.Dierenfeld. Health assessment of Eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi) in Georgia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47(4):1000-1012, 2016.
S.L. Deem, T.M. Norton, M. Mitchell, A. Segars, A.R. Alleman, C. Cray, R.H. Poppenga, M. Dodd, and W.B. Karesh. Comparison of blood values in foraging, nesting, and stranded loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) along the coast of Georgia, USA. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 45(1):41-56, 2009.
K. Chaffin, T.M. Norton, K. Gilardi, R. Poppenga, J. Jensen, P. Moler, C. Cray, E. Dierenfeld, T. Chen, M. Oliva, F. Origgi, S. Gibbs, L. Mazzaro, and J. Mazet. Health assessment of free-ranging alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminckii) in Georgia and Florida. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 44(3):670-86, 2008.
S.L. Deem, G.P. Sounguet, R. Alleman, C. Cray, T.M. Norton, E.S. Dierenfeld, R.H. Poppenga, and W.B. Karesh. Blood values in leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) on the coast of the Republic of Gabon. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 37:464-471, 2006.
J. Zaias, T. Norton, A. Fickel, J. Spratt, N.H. Altman, and C. Cray. Biochemical and hematologic values for 18 clinically healthy radiated tortoises (Geochelone radiata) on St. Catherines Island, Georgia, Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 35(3):321-325, 2006.
C. Cray, R. Varella, G.D. Bossart, and P. Lutz. Altered in vitro immune responses in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) with fibropapillomatosis. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 32(4):436-440, 2001.
T.M. Work, R.A. Rameyer, G.H. Balazs, C. Cray, and S.P. Chang. Immunology of fibropapillomatosis in free ranging green turtles from Hawaii. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 37:574-581, 2001.
J.E. Arnold, C.A. Hadfield, L.A. Clayton, C. Cray, D. Jones, and M. Payton. Methods development and reference intervals generation for analysis of free-ranging Atlantic horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) hemolymph. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 2021; 50:259-272, https://doi.org/10.1111/vcp.12983.
K. Tobin, D. Zimmerman, C. Hilton, R.E. Jung, D. Armstrong, W. Gann, L. Harveson, S. Gray, and C. Cray. Establishment of acute phase protein and serum protein electrophoresis preliminary reference intervals for pronghorn (Antilocapra americana). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(2)321-325, 2020.
T.C. Weisbrod, R. Isaza, C. Cray, L. Adler, and N.I. Stacy. The importance of manual white blood cell differential counts and platelet estimates in elephant hematology: blood film review is essential. Veterinary Quarterly, 41(1):30-35, 2021.
C.R. Malinowski, J.R. Perrault, F.C Coleman, C.C. Koenig, J.M. Stilwell, C. Cray, N.I. Stacy. Comprehensive assessment of health indices of the iconic Atlantic goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) in the southeastern United States. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2020.00635, 2020.
K. Rainwater, C. McClave, B.L. Raphael, C. Cray, A.D. Franklin, D.M. Powell, and F.J. Burton. Hematology, plasma biochemistry, and plasma protein electrophoresis in blue iguanas (Cyclura lewisi) from Grand Cayman Island. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51(4):933-947, 2020.
G. Desoubeaux, R. Peschke, C. Le-Bert, V. Fravel, J. Soto, E.D. Jensen, J. Flower, R. Wells, A. Joachim, and C. Cray. Seroprevalence survey for microsporidia in common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): example of a quantitative approach based on immunoblotting. Journal of Wildlife Disease, 54(4):870-873, 2018.
J. Zaias, C. Bradley, J. Richardson, F. Ikpatt, and C. Cray. Evaluating Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) leukocyte differential counts suing the CellaVision DM96 and manual method. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 46(3):466-470, 2017.
G.D. Bossart, T.A. Romano, M.M. Peden-Adams, A. Schaefer, S. McCulloch, J.D. Goldstein, C.D. Rice, P.A. Fair, C. Cray, and J.S. Reif. Clinicoimmunopathologic findings in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus with positive Chlamydiaceae antibody titers. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 108:71-81, 2014.
F. Ikpatt, D. Reavill, J. Chatfield, S. Clubb, J. Rosenblatt, G. Fonte, Y. Fan, and C. Cray. Diagnosis and treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in an orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine,45(4):935-940, 2014.
C. Dong, J.H. Meng, X. Dai, J.H. Liang, A. Feagins, X.J. Meng, N.M. Belfiore, C. Bradford, J.L. Corn, C. Cray, G.E Glass, M.L. Gordon, R.A. Hesse, D.L. Montgomery, W.L. Nicholson, A.A. Pilny, S. Ramamoorthy, D.D. Shaver, J. Dbrobeniuc, M.A. Purdy, H.A, Fields, S. Kamili, and C.G. Teo. Restricted enzooticity of hepatitis E virus genotypes 1 to 4 in the United States. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 49(12)4164-72, 2011.
J. Zaias, M. Mineau, D. Yoon, C. Cray, and N.H. Altman. Baseline reference values for serum protein electrophoresis in common laboratory rodent strains. Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, 48(4)387-390, 2009.
C. Cray, M. Rodriguez, J. Zaias, and N.H. Altman. Effects of storage temperature and time on clinical biochemical parameters from rat serum. Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, 48(2):202-204, 2009.
K.J. Hopper and C. Cray. Evaluation of a portable clinical analyzer in cynomologus macaques (Macaca fasicularis). Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, 46(3):43-47, 2007.
D. Villar, C. Cray, J. Zaias, N. Altman. Biological effects of fenbendazole in rats and mice: a review. Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, 46(6):8-15, 2007.