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Faculty Profiles

M.S. in Clinical and Translational Investigation

Primary Faculty

Tatjana Rundek, M.D., Ph.D.

Tatjana Rundek, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Rundek is a professor of neurology, Evelyn F. McKnight Chair for Learning and Memory in Aging, scientific director of the Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute, executive vice chair of Research and Faculty Affairs, and director of the Clinical Translational Research Division in the Department of Neurology at the Miller School of Medicine. She holds a secondary faculty appointment at the Department of Public Health Sciences in Miami and at the Department of Neurology at Columbia University in New York. Dr. Rundek is a vascular neurologist, clinical researcher, and principal investigator of several NIH/NINDS/NIA-funded grants on vascular contribution to cognitive decline and dementia, genetic determinants of vascular disorders, and systems of health care. She is a co-director of the University of Miami Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s (CTSI) KL2 Career Development and Translational Workforce Development Programs and the 1FL ADRC Research Education Core. She was a recipient of a NINDS K24 research training award.
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Tulay Koru-Sengul, Ph.D.

Dr. Tulay Koru-Sengul is an Associate Professor and the graduate program director of Master of Science (MS) in Biostatistics in the Division of Biostatistics and the lead faculty member overseeing the Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) program in the Department of Public Health Sciences (DPHS) at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. She is the co-director of MSCTI at University of Miami Clinical and Translational Science Institute. In addition, she is a faculty biostatistician in the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resources at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center and holds active membership in Cancer Prevention, Control, and Survivorship Research Program, Scientific Clinical Protocol Review Medical Committee, Scientific Population Science Bio-Behavioral Protocol Review Medical Committee, and the Data and Safety Monitoring Committee at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. She is a member of the University of Miami Research Review Board.

She earned her master’s degree in biostatistics from Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, and both master’s and doctoral degrees in statistics from the University of Pittsburgh School of Arts and Sciences. Her statistical research interests include development and application of statistical methods for biological responses that vary in time and occasion, design and analysis of clinical trials, missing data analysis, high dimensional medical and population-based studies, and statistical methods for epidemiology. Her current funded cancer research interests focus on the areas of health disparities in cancer diagnosis, prevention, screening, treatment, survival, and other health-related outcomes using large population-based databases and clinical trials. She teaches two core courses in the DPHS graduate program (EPH-601 Medical Biostatistics-I on Fall/Spring terms and EPH-703 Advanced Statistical Method-I on Fall term), three core courses in MSCTI program (CTI-605 Introduction to Team Science and Entrepreneurship on Fall term, CTI-602 Writing for Translational and Clinical Science on Spring term, and CTI-805 Capstone Project/Master's Thesis on Fall/Spring terms) and is an active faculty advisor/mentor to graduate students (M.S., M.P.H., M.S.P.H., M.D./M.P.H., Ph.D.) in the DPHS and to graduate students in MSCTI. Furthermore, she mentors medical students/residents/fellows, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty across the clinical centers/departments in the medical school.