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About Us

Dr. Phillip Frost Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery
Dr. Robert Kirsner - Harvey Blank Professor & Chairman

Welcome! Founded over 60 years ago, our Dr. Phillip Frost Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery is one of the most respected and dynamic programs in the country. Striving for excellence in all of our missions, we take great pride and joy in working in education, research, clinical care, and community service.

EducationWe have 40 faculty members, 25 residents as well as 20 fellows, post doctorates, and other research trainees. Our faculty is enthusiastic, productive, and prolific. We have published landmark articles and comprehensive textbooks that are the standards for the field. Our residency program is one of the largest in the country and provides incredible training to the dermatologists of tomorrow and our medical student education is among the most innovative.

Clinical Care – Our physicians are recognized by their peers and patients as leaders in their field. Nearly all of the South Florida dermatologists listed in Best Doctors in America are current or former faculty, voluntary faculty, or former residents. Our doctors treat skin conditions from A-Z (acne to zoster) at our clinics for over 60,000 patients from an ethnically and socio-economically diverse group each year.

Research – We perform and participate in important and cutting-edge research in a variety of conditions including skin cancer, skin infections, and wound healing. Our department receives significant NIH, industry, and benefactor support of our research efforts.

Community Service - We pride ourselves in serving the community and using our expertise to help those in need. Taking care of the less fortunate in our clinics, providing community services from local efforts such as skin cancer screenings, providing care in a homeless clinic for the past 20 years, an annual Melanoma Awareness 5K to having faculty and residents support international efforts in countries such as Haiti, Costa Rica, and India.

Whether you are a patient looking for information, a prospective resident or fellow, a physician looking for a dermatopathologist, a researcher in search of collaboration, a company in search of research opportunities, a community doctor interested in joining our voluntary faculty, or simply interested in the department’s incredible history and leadership, we hope this site will prove useful to you.

Thank you for visiting us.