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Programs in the Biomedical Sciences (PiBS)

First-Year Program

Programs in Biomedical Sciences (PiBS) is a first-year umbrella program for our biomedical Ph.D. programs. PiBS students are enrolled in a core curriculum that builds a solid foundation in the biomedical sciences.

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The coursework in the first semester ranges from molecules and cells to systems of human physiology. Lectures are balanced by breakout sessions, in which faculty members discuss primary literature with students in small groups. Students can select breakout sessions that match their interests. The core curriculum also offers critical learning opportunities in scientific logics, biostatistics, genomics, and analytical tools. In the second semester, students select individual modular courses offered in our eight biomedical disciplines. These courses cover topics of specific relevance to graduate programs or research topics. Students also complete a course in biostatistics and bioinformatics.

In addition to receiving a solid foundation in biomedical sciences, students have access to various resources, such as continuous career and professional development opportunities throughout their graduate experience. This includes workshops designed to build skills in grant writing and publishing scholarly papers, as well as mentorship and networking opportunities in academia and industry.

Program Affiliation

Students complete three to four laboratory rotations in various disciplines during their first year. This allows students to explore their interests before selecting a program and a dissertation mentor.

At the end of their first year, students match with mentors in specific programs and achieve program affiliation in one of the following programs (for years two through five):