The Clinical Translational Research Site (CTRS) is an important inpatient and outpatient facility that operates under a fee-for-service model as part of the Office of the Executive Dean for Research (EDR) at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. It serves as a centralized clinical research infrastructure benefiting investigators across the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Jackson Memorial Hospital. The CTRS is a Core & Shared Facility that supports growth and investment in clinical research at UMMSOM. Its cost-recovery system is designed to provide an effective solution for researchers to conduct their work.
We provide guidance, training, facilities, tools, and services to support high-quality clinical research studies.
- Clinical Research Coordinator Services.
- Clinical Research Nursing assistance.
- Medication Administration/ Infusions (IV, Oral, SQ injections.)
- Pharmacokinetic Studies.
- Oral and IV Glucose Tolerance Testing.
- Standardized meal tolerance test.
- Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) isolation.
- Vital signs, height, and weight assessment.
- Phlebotomy.
- Electrocardiogram.
- Data collection and data entry.
- Collection, processing, and shipping of biological samples.
Our Services
Clinical Research Services
Laboratory Services
Other Services
If you have any questions, please reach out to
Our Locations
UHealth Tower (UHT), West Building |
Don Soffer Clinical Research Center |