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c-kit signaling in collaterals remodeling: Dr. Lassance-Soares’ Lab has identified the importance of vascular c-kit signaling in arteriogenesis. In this project they are studying the c-kit signaling specifically in the smooth muscle cells or endothelial cells to increase arteriogenesis in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia. Further, they are testing if c-kit contributes to the maintenance of the contractile phenotype of the smooth muscle cells during arteriogenesis.

Ischemic-trained monocytes in the outcomes of hindlimb ischemia: Dr. Lassance-Soares’ Lab has identified that monocytes can be trained by a single/short ischemia insult leading to remarkable improvement in arteriogenesis. In this project they are studying whether the ischemia training leads to an epigenetic reprograming of the monocytes. Further, they are testing if ischemic-trained monocytes also have a beneficial effect in angiogenesis and in monocytes chemotaxis.

c-kit signaling in endothelial dysfunction: This is a very recent project where Dr. Lassance-Soares’ Lab is studying whether endothelial c-kit signaling is involved in endothelial barrier dysfunction.