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LEND Program

Department of Pediatrics
Our Leadership in Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program is the primary training component of the Mailman Center, providing graduate students and post-doctoral interns, residents, and fellows from more than 15 disciplines with training in both specialized leadership skills and the experiences needed to meet discipline-specific skills criteria. With more than 90 trainees each year, our graduates of LEND are now professionals in more than 2⁄3 of Florida’s counties, as well as other states and even international programs. 

Leadership Pipeline Programs

The Mailman Center offers innovative leadership experiences for high school students, self-advocates with disabilities, and community professionals as part of a leadership pipeline.

  • SELP

  • SALT

  • ETLP


For more information, contact our team.

LEND contact for applicants

Cristina Pujol
Phone: 305-243-6204

ETLP, SALT, SELP, NEXT-GEN contact for applicants

Shelly Baer
Phone: 305-689-7058