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Mission and Vision

Department of Neurology

Our mission is to provide exceptional education and training in neurology, equipping residents with the knowledge, skills, and compassion necessary to deliver comprehensive and patient-centered neurological care. We are committed to fostering a supportive learning environment that promotes academic excellence, professional growth, and personal well-being. We aspire that all residents, regardless of their long-term career goals, graduate well-capable of independent general practice, through balanced and broad inpatient and outpatient experiences; critical review of the literature; as well as through mentorship and clinical education from academic neurologists dedicated to teaching and trainee success. Through collaboration, innovation, the scientific rigor of research and a commitment to evidence-based practice, we strive to advance the understanding and treatment of neurological disorders. Our mission extends beyond the training years, as we aim to instill a curiosity for lifelong learning, ethical practice, and a dedication to service within our graduates, empowering them to make a positive impact on the health and quality of life of individuals with neurological conditions.

Our vision is to be a preeminent neurology residency program recognized globally for excellence in training, innovation, and compassionate patient care. We aspire to cultivate the next generation of neurologists who are a diverse group of leaders, scholars, and advocates for neurological health. Through comprehensive clinical training, cutting-edge research opportunities, dedicated mentorship, and a supportive learning environment, we aim to shape the future of neurology by fostering exceptional clinical expertise, critical thinking skills, and a commitment to advancing the field. Our graduates will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals with neurological disorders, their families and caregivers, and communities worldwide.