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Disability Services

Office of Medical Education

Disability Services & Accommodations

Students with disabilities seeking accommedations should contact the UMMSM disability services coordinator Mr. Lamar Martin, Associate Director of Academic Enrichment. He is also the liaison with the University of Miami Office of Disabilities Services (ODS). 

ODS handles and makes determinations for requests for permanent accommodations. Mr. Martin assists medical students throughout the accommodations request process and answers accommodation questions specific to the didactic and clinical experiences of medical school.

After accommodations are granted, Mr. Martin supports the implementation of those accommodations throughout the student’s time at UMMSM. You can learn more about the process below:

The ODS homepage will provide students with all the information needed to begin the accommodations process. Please review the details carefully, as ALL the links/forms that need to be completed are included on this page. Specifically, after reviewing the guidelines, be sure that you are preparing and submitting TWO different things:

1) The Documentation that you provide should be in support of the accommodation(s) you are seeking. The ODS webpage does a great job explaining various types of documentation (i.e., ADHD) that can be submitted by you or your physician(s).


2) The actual ACCOMMODATION REQUEST FORM (this is in ADDITION TO the documentation). It is on this actual form that you detail WHICH accommodations you and your physician are requesting. This is where you will need to specify WHAT types of accommodations are necessary for you to have an equal opportunity to succeed academically.

Once you submit the documentation requested and the accommodations request form, ODS will determine whether an accommodation will be granted. Once the decision is made, they will send letters notifying you and Mr. Martin of your status. Once we receive notice, you and Mr. Martin will plan a meeting to discuss the process for implementation of your approved accommodations. The implementation meeting is important because it is when Mr. Martin takes the time to discuss utilizing your accommodations and how to communicate your needs to those who need to know.

How to schedule an appointment with Mr. Martin

1. Visit:
2. Select: Make an Appointment
3. Select: Advising Medical.
4. Select: Academic Coaching Session.
4. Select: RMSB-Room 1130 (Martin).
5. Select: Martin, Lamar
6. To schedule an appointment, select a time that works best for you.
7. You will receive Zoom information within the confirmation email.