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Campus Identification Card/Badge (‘Cane Card)

Department of Public Safety

All University community members are REQUIRED to have a University-issued Campus ID Card/ Badge displayed on their person while on the Medical Campus. Access to any area of the campus may be restricted by Security Personnel without a Campus ID Card/ Badge. University policy strictly prohibits anyone from possessing a Campus ID Card/ Badge not issued to them.

*ID’s are printed Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Obtaining a New ID

Faculty, Staff, and Students

  1. Complete and sign the ID-Access Card Registration Form.
  2. Bring the form to Public Safety Customer Service with payment. Payment must be made with credit card, check, or IDR.
  3. Be prepared for your photograph to be taken.

Satellite faculty, staff and students may apply for an ID badge by submitting the completed ID-Access Card Registration Form and a picture produced following these guidelines by e-mail to These ID badges will be sent to satellite managers for distribution.

**NOTE: Faculty, Staff, and Students must be active in WorkDay or Canelink or have written authorization from Human Resources, Faculty Affairs, or Student Affairs before they can be issued an ID badge. Please contact Human Resources or Faculty Affairs if you have any questions.

Long Term Visitors, Contractors, Affiliates

  1. Complete and sign the ID-Access Card Registration Form.
  2. Print, complete and sign the Background Investigation Form.
  3. Bring both forms in addition to a copy of your properly executed contract/ affiliation agreement to Security Customer Service with payment. Payment must be made with credit card or check.
  4. Be prepared for your photograph to be taken.

Observers and Volunteers

Refer to Faculty Affairs

Obtaining a replacement Campus ID card

Follow the same process as for obtaining a New ID.

The Public Safety Office is located at

1501 NW 9th Ave, Suite 100, Miami, FL. 33136

305-243-6280, prompt, #2 or via email at

When is Public Safety Customer Service most busy?

View the Security Customer Service lobby webcam to see how many people are currently waiting.