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Medical Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the elected representative body of the Faculty of the Miller School of Medicine, at the University of Miami. Members are elected for three-year terms, and officers are elected annually. The current officers are Sanjoy Bhattacharya, Ph.D., Speaker; JoNell Potter, Ph.D., First Vice-Speaker; Adrien Eshraghi Second Vice-Speaker; and the Council Secretary is Lydia Sanchez.
The Council meets twice a month, with at least one meeting a month in conjunction with the Dean. It functions as the executive agency of the school pursuant to the University of Miami Faculty Manual with regard to the academic planning, educational and research policy, and the general welfare of the School. The Council conducts the majority of its activities through standing committees and AD HOC committees to address specific issues.

Matters that impact other schools/colleges of the University are referred to the Faculty Senate. In addition, the Council establishes bylaws and guidelines for School governance and policy, and it provides confidential counsel to the Dean of the School.