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Services & Programs

Department of Public Safety

There are several crime prevention programs and services available on the Medical Campus.

While the Public Safety Department is responsible for ensuring that the campus remains as safe as possible, the primary responsibility for crime prevention and personal safety rests with each individual. Everyone is empowered to protect them self by avoiding unsafe situations, securing personal belongs as well as University property, reporting suspicious activity to Public Safety, and promoting safety and security each day. The Public Safety Department endeavors to provide everyone with the tools and education necessary to make the Medical Campus as secure and safe as possible.

Property Safety Tips


Theft is the most prevalent crime confronting the University community. Most thefts can be prevented with a few simple actions:

  • Be certain that all doors are locked when rooms are not occupied. Even if you are going out for only a few minutes, lock your door. Do not give your key to anyone.
  • At night, personal and University property should be placed in a locked desk or cabinet whenever possible. Money and stamps should be stored in a cash box and kept in a locked cabinet.
  • Each office should have an inventory of University and personal effects kept on the premises. Serial numbers should be recorded since they make recovery and identification easier when an item is stolen. An up-to-date record of equipment out for repair, on loan, or replaced should be kept. An accurate key-control log must be kept, and keys must be returned by staff or students who no longer need them.
  • When using any public facility, purses and wallets should not be left unattended even for a minute. In the time it takes to get a book or meal, a purse can be stolen.

Personal Safety Tips


You should always walk where there are lights. Avoid walking alone whenever possible. Use Safety Escorts, especially at night. Carry your keys in your hand so you will have them ready when you arrive at your car, room, or home. Be aware of your surroundings and of the people around you. Do not wear excessive amounts of jewelry. Carry your hand bag firmly under your arm. Since shoulder bags are the easiest for thieves to grab, consider wearing a waist pack.


Always lock your car. Check the back seat before entering. Never leave valuables in plain view in your car. Make sure your car is in good running condition and that you have enough fuel. Carry enough change for a phone call. If you break down, tie a white cloth (an item to keep in the trunk along with a good spare tire and jack) to the antenna and wait for help. Never go with anyone who offers help but ask the person to call your garage, auto club, family member, or other trustworthy person for assistance.

At Home

Keep shades down, windows secure, and doors locked. Use the peephole. If you must, leave extra keys with a trusted neighbor or relative. Avoid leaving a key under the mat or anywhere outside. Do not prop open any doors..

Be Alert; Be Smart

A person may be able to protect him/herself in a potentially dangerous situation. The first and best line of defense, however, is escape. Barring escape, a cool, quick assessment of the circumstances will help you to deal most effectively with the situation. An assailant who is thrown off guard by the conduct of a potential victim is often unsuccessful in his attack. If you are being intimidated, prolonged screaming may be a good defense. If you learn self-defense techniques, you must routinely practice the tactics until they are second nature. Do not rely on weapons. An assailant may gain control of your weapon and use it against you. Remember also that, in order to be effective, a weapon must be ready to be used 100 percent of the time. Most of all, you must be committed to use it.