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Education & Training

Department of Microbiology & Immunology

Medical Education

Our Department is actively involved in the education of our medical students. Dr. Richard Riley manages the basic science curriculum and holds an appointment as the Associate Dean for Preclinical Curriculum. Dr. Mathias Lichtenheld is Discipline Director across the four-year medical curriculum and a Co-director of the Coral Gables Undergraduate Program for Microbiology and Immunology. Our Department also offers a Pathway of Excellence for those medical students that wish to deepen their knowledge of microbiology and immunology as it relates to clinically relevant problems. The Pathway program is led by Dr. Greg Plano.

Graduate Education

The Graduate Program in Microbiology and Immunology leads to a Ph.D. degree. This program attracts a diverse array of students from around the world. Since its inception in the 1960’s, more than 200 students have received Ph.D. degrees. This Program is currently under the leadership of Dr. Zhibin Chen.

Undergraduate Education

The Undergraduate Major in Microbiology and Immunology in the School of Arts and Sciences was initiated in 1982 and typically has approximately 150 majors. The program leads to a B.S. degree and is currently co-directed by Dr. Diana. Lopez, Dr. Kurt Schesser and Dr. Mathias Lichtenheld. This program is very popular among premed students and represents a talented group that contribute to our research programs.