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Florida-Puerto Rico Collaboration to Reduce Stroke Disparities

The overall goal of the each of the four FL-PR CReSD Committees is to provide independent and external advice and guidance to the program’s team.

The composition of each committee varies based on its individual goals and members who range from experts performing research in minority communities, key FL and PR stroke and AHA leaders who review the data and make recommendations for improvements across the state and island specifically addressing ways to reduce disparities to stroke survivors and caregivers that will review RETP curricula to ensure items of importance to patients are being included in the educational and training activities.

The FL-PR CReSD team meets with each of the Committees in-person on an annual basis while conducting phone meetings every quarter. The FL-PR CReSD Annual Meetings of hospital stakeholders which are primarily conducted to review FL-PR Stroke Registry data, share best practices, and implement programs to address any identified disparities are another way in which the committees come together as part of this large regional effort that will have immediate impact on addressing stroke disparities and set precedents for other states to follow.

Please browse through each Committee individually to find out more about its members and their goals!