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Research Faculty

University of Miami Office of Research: This is the centralized site for research at the University of Miami.

Resources/Helpful Links

  • UM specialized facilities, services, and instrumentation to support the research and education enterprise.
    Explore the links on the left sidebar for more information or visit the helpful links page for our research community.
  • UM & Federal Research Forms: This section contains forms for the University of Miami research community. Research-related policies are also available on this site.
  • Research at UM
  • Research Profiles at UM
  • NIH RePORT: National Institutes of Health Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools
  • NIH FAQs
  • PubMed: US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health

Funding Resources

Intramural and extramural funding search sites: sidebar includes links to SpinPLUS, federal, state & local, corporate & foundation, among other funding search opportunities.

Clinical Research Resources

  • Clinical Research Information Services

    The Clinical Research Initiation Services (CRIS) Office is a centralized team that handles clinical research projects involving human subjects. CRIS acts as a single point of contact for investigators and sponsors to accelerate study start-up, maximize collections and ensure billing compliance after the study is underway.

  • Clinical Research & Human Subjects Protection Training
    The University of Miami offers education and training on a range of topics in clinical research and human subjects’ protection via interactive discussions and web-based learning through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) and ULearn, including sessions for faculty, trainees, clinical research coordinators, and Velos eResearch users. Please visit the education & training calendar to see this month’s offerings, or click on one of the topics below to jump down to the course descriptions for that area.

  • Network for Clinical Research Professionals (NCRP)

    Clinical research professionals from all University of Miami campuses are invited to join the networking group for clinical research professionals (NCRP), including research coordinators, nurses, associates, assistants, and Institutional Review Board (IRB) coordinators and support staff.