Seeking patient care?
Welcome to the world of Graduate Medical Education (GME) at the University of Miami Department of Medicine! Our Department is home to two core residency programs, twelve subspecialty fellowship programs and four advanced fellowship programs.
Our medical campus is one of the largest in the United States, holding three healthcare systems within its borders – UHealth – the University of Miami Hospitals and Clinics, the Jackson Health System, our public county health system and the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The partnership between public, private and federal health systems on a single campus is a unique and rich opportunity for trainees. When you leave our programs, you are prepared to work in any clinical or academic setting.
Our varied clinical settings provide a rich and diverse environment for trainees to participate in cutting edge research. We have endless opportunities for partnership with several centers for excellence – the only NCI – designated cancer center in South Florida, the Sylvester Cancer Center, the UHealth Diabetes Research Institute, and precision medicine with the John T. MacDonald Foundation Department of Human Genetics, just to name a few.
Diversity, equity and inclusion are the heart of the Department of Medicine’s core values. We welcome all applicants to explore our residency and fellowship training programs.
Stefanie R. Brown, MD, FACP, FAAP
Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency