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RACING for Neurological Disorders Research Lab

Department of Physical Therapy

Dr. Lauri Bishop leads the Rehabilitation and Community INteGration (RACING) for Neurological Disorders Research Lab. Physical activity is the single most important modifiable risk factor that contributes to first-time stroke and stroke recurrence. The primary goal of the RACING for Neuro Lab is to foster health-positive behaviors that increase the amount and quality of locomotor activity in home and community settings, thus improving the lifespan and quality of life for stroke survivors of all race and ethnic groups.

The RACING for Neuro Lab uses technological solutions to understand and improve the translation of locomotor skills from a clinical environment into home and community settings that are personally salient for stroke survivors. We employ advanced statistical methodology to evaluate factors that contribute to functional locomotor recovery after stroke and explore treatment paradigms that can be integrated into rehabilitation at a personal, precision-medicine level as well as on a gross epidemiological scale in an effort to promote health equity across the continuum of care post-stroke.