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National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Department of Public Safety

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides a systematic, proactive approach to guide departments and agencies at all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work seamlessly to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity, in order to reduce the loss of life and property and harm to the environment.

NIMS at the University

On May 26, 2011, the University of Miami formally adopted NIMS and began the 7 step process of “NIMS Compliance.” This process is being managed by the University’s Office of Emergency Management, in collaboration with Emergency Management at each campus. Questions and comments regarding NIMS may be directed to

The principles of NIMS are incorporated into the University’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and therefore affect emergency/ disaster planning, training, exercises, Communication & Information Management, Resource Management, and Command & Management. The entire University Community needs to be aware of NIMS to fully understand Emergency Management.

View/ Print/ Download the Presidential Declaration of NIMS Adoption
View/ Print/ Download the NIMS Overview

NIMS Training

ALL University personnel who have ANY role in emergency/ disaster mitigation, planning, response or recovery are required to complete NIMS training. There are four NIMS training tracks. The specific emergency/ disaster role of each University community member dictates which training track they need to complete.

NIMS training is facilitated through the University’s ULearn system. If you have an emergency/ disaster role and have not yet completed any NIMS training, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at ULearn NIMS Certificates of Completion can also be emailed to for credit.

View/ Print/ Download the DOE Training Levels
View/ Print/ Download the ULearn NIMS Exam Instructions

If you have previously completed the necessary NIMS training, but do not have your certificates of completion, please print and submit this Transcript Request Form.

Training for NIMS

NIMS training matrix image

Steps for Completion of NIMS Training without Logging in to ULearn

  1. Print the Final Exam Questions, circle your answers and save the physical document in case there are any issues with your exam submission and you have to re-enter your answers. (NOTE: The order of questions may change, but the questions themselves will not):
    - IS-700.a
    - IS-100.HCb or - IS-100.HE
    - IS-200.b
    - IS-800.B
  2. Read the course summaries:
    - IS-700.a
    - IS-100. HCb
    - IS-200.b
    - IS-800.B
  3. Identify answers to the Final Exam Questions accessed in Step #1.
  4. Read the instructions on how to fill out the Final Exam (MAKE SURE TO ENTER into the exam form):
  5. Enter your answers into the online exam forms:
    - IS-700.a
    - IS-100.HCb
    - IS-200.b
    - IS-800.B
  6. Once Emergency Management receives the completion certificates at (with your name), you will be given credit in ULearn.

More Information

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maintains a NIMS Resource Center Website which provides more information. This site can be accessed through the following link: