"In The Know"
Weighing In – Expert Advice on Weight Management and Wellness
This In The Know virtual town hall features experts who share their knowledge on weight management medications, surgeries, and lifestyle choices one can make to manage their weight.
Skin Deep - The Science and Sense Behind Skin Care and Aging
This In The Know virtual town hall features experts from the Dr. Phillip Frost Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery discussing how one can rejuvenate their skin and maintain proper skin health.
Aging Mind — Advances in Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Health
Listen to our experts in neurology and neuroscience describe the latest innovations in brain science and treatments that can help prevent degenerative brain disease.
Heart Smart - Innovations in Cardiovascular Health
Our UHealth and Miller School of Medicine physician-scientists are at the forefront of innovations that are defining the future of cardiovascular care. Joseph Lamelas, M.D., chief of cardiovascular surgery, and Mehrdad Ghahramani, M.D., director of echocardiography discuss the latest research in cardiovascular surgery, rehab, and heart disease prevention.