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EQuATe Study

South Florida Spinal Cord Injury Model System

The aim of this study is to collect descriptive data on assistive technology (AT) used by individuals with SCI, including wheelchair make, model, failures and repairs. This data will enable us to track the impact of insurance market changes, find differences in wheelchair failures, and present this information to wheelchair users.

You may be eligible to participate if

  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You have an injury or diagnosis that affects the Spinal Cord.
  • Your injury or diagnosis occurred at least a year ago.
  • You have access to a computer, tablet or smartphone with internet access.
  • You are able to speak and read English

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If you choose to participate

  • When asked in the survey: "How did you hear about this research study" - be sure to select "Contacted by Spinal Cord Injury Model System"
  • When prompted in the survey: "Which Spinal Cord Injury Model System contacted you..." - be sure to select "Florida, South Florida SCI Model System; Jackson Memorial / UHealth Rehabilitation"