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Office of Medical Education

UMMSM encourages medical students at all levels to seek research opportunities that will enhance their experiences, develop their skillset, and refine their scientific/clinical interests. Engaging in research as a medical student affords the opportunity to move to the next level of learning by applying skills to contribute to the discovery of new findings while working with a team of people who share similar interests. Learn more about the types of research opportunities available to you below.

Types of Research

Basic Science Research

Basic science research is the investigation of foundational principles that can provide an understanding of diseases and therapies. This research often focuses on cells, molecules, and genes. Animal models are often used to elucidate underlying mechanisms. Basic scientists conduct research in disciplines such as behavioral science, biochemistry, gross anatomy, embryology, histology, cell biology, microbiology, neuroscience, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology.

Clinical Research

Clinical research is defined by the NIH as patient-oriented research and includes epidemiologic studies, behavioral studies, health services, and outcomes research. Patient-oriented research includes the mechanisms of human disease, therapeutic interventions, clinical trials, and the development of new technologies.

Translational Research

Translational research focuses on translating basic science discoveries into practical applications — also described as bringing knowledge from the "bench" to the "bedside." Other types of research include comparative effectiveness and implementation science. Additionally, research in other relevant topics, such as the social sciences, medical education, quality improvement, and biostatistics are also available.

Research Opportunities

  • How to apply for a year off

  • Presentations

For questions and concerns please contact our Director of Career Services, Cristina Garcia at