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What to Do if You Sustain a Needlestick or other Occupational Injury

Proceed as follows:

1. Call the Needlestick and Occupational Exposure emergency phone number immediately: 305-299-4684 (24/7 availability). This number MUST BE CALLED ANY TIME a medical student experiences a needlestick or occupational exposure.
  • If the exposure is during weekday 9-4pm and if there is no answer at the number above please call the Environmental Health and Safety office at 305-243-3267.
  • Depending on the location of the incident, you may be directed to either the JMH or UMH Emergency Room.
2. Do not panic.
3. Follow directions given to you by your faculty/preceptors/nurses/managers. You may be asked to complete important paperwork for risk management offices/incident reports. Make sure to identify yourself as a UM medical student.

4. Notify Dr. Marisa Echenique, Director of Student Services. 

UM Environmental Health & Safety Office
(PPDs, Respiratory Masks, Needlestick or Occupational Exposure)

UHealth Diabetes Research Institution (DRI Building)
1450 NW 10th Ave
Miami, FL 33136
2nd Floor

Regardless of your clinical location: (JMH, at UMH, at a community preceptor, at a health fair) call the on call number even if your preceptor or doctor/attending is also instructing you to complete other paperwork.