Didactic Conferences: Mandatory weekly didactic series will take place on Wednesday mornings. This curriculum will follow the Decker Med, Score Surgery modules, True Learn and ABSITE Quest Review. Once a month this period will be used for surgical skills training. Each rotation has its weekly curriculum at noon which attendance is encouraged.
Journal Club: A residency wide Journal club will be held once a month. A monthly rotation of topics within the essential components of general surgery will be covered with a review of landmark literature and current guidelines. Journal club is combined with the UM JFK residents every other month.
Mortality and morbidity Conference: The residents review cases of patients with suboptimal outcomes during this formal peer review process. The conference will be designed to explicitly highlight all the 6 ACGME core competencies to prompt discussion on likely areas of improvement within this framework. Resident as Teacher: Seminars preparing residents for leadership and teaching roles.
Business of Medicine: These conferences focus on educating residents on the administrative, business, and cost-effective principles needed to practice medicine/surgery in today’s environment.
Grand Rounds: Every 3rd Friday there will be department wide grand rounds. Lectures focused on addressing the advancement in the various surgical subspecialties. Residents are participating in monthly UM Department of Surgery Grand Rounds through Zoom.
Resident Scholarly Activity Program (RSAP): Conferences on basic research methodology and development of clinical questions, with the goal of mentoring categorical general surgery residents through the scholarly process throughout the 5 years of training.
Professor’s Rounds: Once a week a senior faculty from Holy Cross Hospital and the University of Miami hospital will lead a PBL format case discussion presented by a resident team.