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Fellowship in Nephrology & Hypertension

Nephrology Boot Camp

We have designed a 2-day “crash- course” for our incoming fellows that includes basic hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis concepts (how they work, how it is prescribed), general transplantation concepts and common consult topics (e.g. hyponatremia, AKI). By starting this way, the fellows will know what is expected and how to address nephrology consultations and make the transition from resident to fellow a whole lot smoother. Additionally, we will review how to write a consultation note efficiently and concisely and how to place dialysis orders.

Core curriculum conferences

Faculty members will cover the Nephrology Core Curriculum (AKI, CKD, Transplantation, Electrolyte derangements, acid-base problems) over the course of a 24 month learning cycle.

Journal Club

Journal Club is an in-depth review of one article from the recent literature. Fellows work in close collaboration with faculty sponsor of journal club to develop the presentation. The goal of this exercise is to learn how to critically read a manuscript as a reviewer would and to learn the basic science as applied to nephrology. This activity is organized by Dr. Contreras (Director of Clinical Research Operations).

Clinical Discussions

Consists of a clinical case presentation:

  • 15-20 minute presentation (by the fellow, student, attending, or housestaff) with lab data, ancillary tests (x-ray, scanning, ultrasounds, etc.) and formulation of the problem(s) to be discussed.
  • 10-15 minutes discussion by the fellow or faculty member. If a case with renal pathology is presented, the renal pathologist will lead biopsy review.
  • 15-20 minutes questions and general discussion with input from all attendees.

Renal Grand Rounds:

This conference is a formal 45 minute presentation by a fellow or faculty member. It should be a state of the art and in depth analysis of the topic using PowerPoint support.

Katz Center Research Meetings

These conferences are presented by our own, or invited, graduate students, post doctoral fellows, scientists and physician scientists. During these conferences, on-going projects and results are being discussed. The combined audience of physicians and scientists offers an unique educational opportunity to practice bedside to bench and bench to bedside approached applied to innovative topics in nephrology.

Hands-On Experience

  • 1-day Renal Ultrasound Course at the Gordon Research Center
  • Native kidney biopsy exposure
  • Transplant kidney biopsy exposure
  • Central venous catheter placement refresher course at the Center for Patient Safety
  • Urine sediment spinning and examination under the microscope
  • Option to attend Vascular Access clinic while on elective and learn with the surgeons to evaluate an AVF and look at flows
  • Option to scrub in to PD catheter placement surgeries

Talk Schedule

Mondays: click to download (discuss whether to migrate this in its current form* or use events)
Thursdays: click to download (*)
Fridays: click to download (*)