Seeking Patient Care?
University of Miami Physical Therapy Residency/Fellowship Mentorship Certificate Program
To educate and train individuals who are capable of effectively mentoring, teaching, advising and coaching post professional physical therapy residents and fellows-in-training and who can meaningfully contribute to their sponsoring program’s mission and vision.
The purpose of this 4-day intensive certificate program is to provide focused training in developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of clinical faculty in postprofessional physical therapy residency and fellowship programs. The program is designed for new or developing clinical faculty and is completed during a 4 day, in-person, intensive plan of study.
Upon completion of the program, and demonstration of competence in effective clinical mentoring in post-professional education, participants will receive a Certificate in Residency/Fellowship Mentorship from the University of Miami.
Participants will develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully:
- Determine the best teaching method (coaching, mentoring, and advising) in the context of a situation.
- Provide effective, timely feedback.
- Establish an educational diagnosis and adjust teaching methods to meet the needs of the participant.
- Accurately assess the performance across core competencies of post professional learners.
- Implement an efficient and effective mentoring session.
Participants will receive
Sample schedule
Primary course faculty
Dates and cost
Lodging recommendations