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You do not need to be a client of our laboratory to participate and there is no charge to attend. Once you register, you will receive notifications of upcoming webinars and reminders when the recorded sessions will be available on our website. Participants of the live session can request a certificate of attendance.
If you missed some of the webinars, register as we do periodic re-releases for binge watching! You will receive emails when they are made available.
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May 7, 2025: "A Rabbit, Gecko, and Parrot walk into a bar…" Challenge Cases with Dr. Jennifer Graham
February 12, 2025: "Triage and Initial Diagnostics/Stabilization/Nutrition in Raptors" with Dr. Mike Jones
November 13, 2024: "Chelonian Cases: What's in the Box?" with Drs. Nicole Stacy and Terry Norton
August 14, 2024: "Steps for Mitigating Risk in Exotic Animal Anesthesia" with Dr. Angela Lennox
May 8, 2024: "SNOT Easy Being Wheezy: Avian Physical Examination and Respiratory Disease" with Dr. Jennifer Graham
February 7, 2024: "Avian & Exotics Physical Exams: The Devil’s in the Details and How to Make it an Angelic Experience for All” with Dr. Susan Kelleher
November 8, 2023: "Mix and Match, Exotics Style" with Dr. Jennifer Graham
August 8, 2023: “Focus on Left Shift and Toxic Change: Slide Review of Mammalian and Non-mammalian Species” with Dr. Nicole Stacy.
May 10, 2023: Pathology for the Non-Pathologists: Approaches to the Necropsy, Disease Outbreaks and Mortality Events with Dr. Carlos Rodriguez
February 8, 2023: Exotic Animal Tradecraft: Tips, Tricks and Other Secrets with Drs. Susan Kelleher and Dan Johnson
November 9, 2022: Backyard Poultry Medicine: Review and Challenging Cases with Dr. Jennifer Graham
August 10, 2022: "The Real 411 on Avian & Exotic Animal 911s" with Dr. Susan Kelleher
July 13, 2022: "Critical Aspects of Interpreting Avian Hematology & Biochemistry" with Dr. Don Harris
June 8, 2022: "Challenging Cases of Exotic and Wildlife Species: Panel Discussion" with an all star cast: Drs. Jennifer Graham, Susan Kelleher, Cathy Johnson-Delaney, and Nicole Stacy
May 11, 2022: Dr. Nicole Stacy presents: "Left Shift and Toxic Change in Heterophils and Neutrophils: What's New?"
April 13, 2022: Drs. Fabiano Montiani and Carolyn Cray present "Concepts of Statistics, Study Evaluation, and Reference Intervals"
March 9, 2022: Dr. Jennifer Graham returns with "Exotic Companion Animals: Top 10 Considerations for Physical Exam and Diagnostics"
February 9, 2022: Dr. Heather Walden presents "Challenges of Parasitic Infections in Zoo Animals: Invasive and Zoonotic Parasites"
January 12, 2022: Dr. Antonia Gardner returns with "Living the Wild Life - Various Topics"
December 8, 2021: Join Dr. Jennifer Graham for Part 2 of "Exotic Animal Emergencies: Case Discussions"
November 10, 2021: Dr. Deb Miller presents, "Advancing Science and Conservation through Controlled Amphibian Research: What We are Learning and How it is Useful"
October 13, 2021: Dr. Jennifer Graham presents the first in a series of webinars: "Exotic Animal Emergencies: Case Discussions"
September 8, 2021: Dr. Fabiano Montiani returns for "Comparative Ophthalmology: Emphasis on Exotics"
August 11, 2021: Dr. Gardner returns for the last in the series of webinars. She will present "Living the Wild Life Part 3 - Basics of Reptile Wildlife Medicine, Cases, and Series Wrap-up"
July 14, 2021: Dr. Gardner returns for a followup webinar entitled, "Living the Wild Life Part 2 - Basics of Avian Wildlife Medicine and Avian Cases"
June 9, 2021: Dr. Antonia Gardner, Medical Director of the South Florida Wildlife Center, presents "Basics of Wildlife Medicine and Wildlife Mammal Medicine: A Case-based Approach".
May 12, 2021: Dr. Sharon Deem, Director of the St. Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine, presents "One Health in the Time of a Pandemic, Climate Change, and Biodiversity Loss: What's This Have to Do With My Work?"
April 14, 2021: Avian and Reptile Case Review: Emphasis on Hematology Dr. Stacy joins us with discussion of challenging cases including live smear reviews.
March 10, 2021: Comparative Ophthalmology: Emphasis on Reptiles Dr. Montiani returns for a great followup webinar on reptile ophthalmology.
February 10, 2021: Highlights of Reptile Hematology: An Introduction Dr. Stacy returns to give us a great primer on reptile hematology. Look for follow up webinars on case reviews.
January 13, 2021: Acute Phase Response: How, What, and Why of Acute Phase Proteins with Carolyn Cray, PhD. Dr. Cray extends the discussion of the acute phase response with the impressive data on the applications of acute phase protein testing to exotic and wildlife species.
December 9, 2020: Acute Phase Response: Electrophoresis of Exotic Species with Carolyn Cray, PhD. Dr. Cray provides an overview of the acute phase response and why it can be a good clinical tool. Highlights of avian, reptile, teleost, and elasmobranch electrophoresis are included.
November 11, 2020: Comparative Ophthalmology: Emphasis on Exotics with Fabiano Montiani-Ferreira, DVM, MSc, PhD. An impressive webinar including highlights of this important subject with emphasis on birds, rabbits, and wildlife.
October 14, 2020: Avian Hematology: Case Reviews and Q&A Interactive session on tricky cases.
September 9, 2020: Highlights of Avian Hematology: An Introduction Dr. Stacy takes on a thorough tour of the impressive hematological differences among avian species. Learn more of the ins and outs of WBC and RBC morphology.
August 12, 2020: Highlights of Comparative Hematology: An Introduction Whether you want to brush up your hematology skills, be amazed at the similarities (and differences!) in hematology among all species, or just sit back and relax and learn something new, you must join our first webinar which will be presented by Nicole Stacy DVM, Dr med vet, DAVCP. Dr. Stacy is internationally recognized for her expertise in clinical pathology of avian, exotic, and wildlife species and is frequently found teaching hematology at national and international conferences. We are proud to have her as part of our team of adjunct professors that lend their expertise to our lab service. This will be her first of several webinars on hematology. If you missed the live presentation, watch for our re-release of best-of webinars in the future.