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The Client Services Division is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm EST. We are ready to help you with all your questions.
Phone: 800-596-7390
Phone: 305-243-6700
EmailSee the Test Info tab for pricing and specimen requirements for each test.
Test Name | Specimen Requirement | Price |
Advanced Avian Chemistry Panel(Amylase, AST, BUN, Creat, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT, Glu, Lipase, Mg, Phos, Potassium, Sodium, TP, Trig, Uric Acid, GLDH) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $78.00 |
Advanced Ferret Panel(CBC, Advanced Mammal Chem Panel, SAA) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum | $105.00 |
Advanced Mammal Chemistry Panel(ALT, AlkPhos, BUN, Crea, Glu, Ca, Na, Phos, Potassium, Cl, Mg, TP, Alb, AST, Amylase, CPK, TBili, GGT) | 0.3ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) | $78.00 |
Advanced Mammal Panel(CBC, Advanced Mammal Chem Panel, EPH) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum | $105.00 |
Advanced Rabbit Panel(CBC, Advanced Mammal Chem Panel, CRP) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum | $105.00 |
Advanced Reptile Chemistry Panel(AlkPhos, Amy, Anion Gap, AST, BUN, CPK, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, GGT, Glu, K, Lipa, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid, GLDH) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $78.00 |
Advanced Reptile Panel(CBC, Advanced Reptile Chem Panel, EPH) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum | $105.00 |
Advanced Sea Turtle Panel(CBC, Advanced Reptile Chem Panel, Electrophoresis (CZE) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml serum or plasma | $101.00 |
Advanced Well Bird Exam(CBC, Advanced Chem Panel, Bile acids, EPH) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma (GT) | $107.00 |
Aspergillus Panel (Antibody (Afmp1p), EPH + Galactomannan) | 0.2ml plasma (GT) | $115.00 |
Aspergillus Panel PLUS (Antibody (Afmp1p), EPH + Galactomannan, Gliotoxin) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $160.00 |
Aspergillus Panel – Dolphin (Antibody by ELISA, SAA, EPH | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $132.00 |
Aspergillus Panel – Penguin (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH) | 0.2ml plasma (GT) | $70.00 |
Aspergillus Panel – Penguin PLUS (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH, Gliotoxin) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $110.00 |
Aspergillus Gliotoxin | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $65.00 |
Aspergillus Gliotoxin PLUS (Protein Electrophoresis, Gliotoxin) | 0.2ml plasma (GT) | $92.00 |
Aspergillus Serology – Avian (Antibody by Afmp1p ELISA) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) | $45.00 |
Aspergillus Serology – Galactomannan | 0.1ml plasma (GTT) | $85.00 |
Aspergillus Serology – Dolphin (Antibody by ELISA) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) | $80.00 |
Aspergillus Serology – Dolphin (Antibody by Immunoblot) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) | $175.00 |
Aspergillus Serology (RID for Antibody for non-avian species) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) | $40.00 |
Avian CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/phloxine method) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides | $44.00 |
Avian Liver Panel(AST, CPK, GGT, LDH, TP, Bile Acids, GLDH) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $70.00 |
Basic Avian Chemistry Panel(AST, Ca, Glu, TP, Uric Acid, CPK, Phos) | 0.2ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) | $45.00 |
Basic Mammal Chemistry Panel(ALT, BUN, Crea, Glu, Phos, Ca, TP) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma | $45.00 |
Basic Ferret Panel(CBC, Basic Mammal Chem Panel, SAA) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma | $95.00 |
Basic Mammal Panel(CBC, Basic Mammal Chem Panel, EPH) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma | $95.00 |
Basic Rabbit Panel(CBC, Basic Mammal Chem Panel, CRP) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma | $95.00 |
Basic Reptile Chemistry Panel(AlkPhos, AST, CPK, Ca, Cl, GGT, Glu, K, Na, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) | 0.25ml plasma (GT) | $64.00 |
Basic Reptile Panel(CBC, Basic Reptile Chem Panel, EPH) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.25ml serum or plasma | $95.00 |
Basic Sea Turtle Panel(CBC, Basic Sea Turtle Chem Panel, Electrophoresis (CZE) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml serum or plasma | $92.00 |
Basic Sea Turtle Chemistry Panel(AST, BUN, Ca, Cl, CPK, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) | 0.3ml serum or plasma (GT) | $62.00 |
Bile Acids | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $33.00 |
CBC (avian) hemocytometer count and manual diff | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides | $44.00 |
CBC (teleost/elasmo) hemacytometer count and manual diff | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides | $44.00 |
CBC (mammal) automated count and manual diff | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides | $44.00 |
CBC (reptile) hemocytometer count and manual diff | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides | $44.00 |
Chlamydia DNA probe* | 0.1ml blood (GT) or non-gel type swab | $35.00 |
Chlamydia Serology (IFA) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $44.00 |
ChlamydiaI FA and EBA* Serology | 0.1ml plasma (GT) and 0.1ml serum (RT) | $75.00 |
Chlamydia Panel (Serology + EPH) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $70.00 |
C-reactive protein (CRP) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $49.00 |
DNA Sexing | 0.1ml blood (GT) | $35.00 |
Dolphin Package (CBC+ Platelet Count, Marine Mammal Chemistry Panel, Fibrinogen by Heat Precipitation, Dolphin Serum Amyloid A, Protein Electrophoresis) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT), 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 blood smears | $185.00 |
Dolphin Serum Amyloid A (SAA) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $68.00 |
Elasmobranch CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/Natt & Herrick’s method) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides | $44.00 |
Elasmobranch Chemistry Panel (Anion gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT,GLDH, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $75.00 |
Elasmobranch Panel (CBC+ Elasmobranch Chemistry Panel + Electrophoresis) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $105.00 |
Elephant Package (CBC+ Platelet Count (automated and estimated), UM Large Animal Panel Plus Chemistry Panel, Protein Electrophoresis, Fibrinogen by Heat Precipitation, Serum Amyloid A, Haptoglobin) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT), 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 blood smears | $173.00 |
Encephalitozoon cuniculi(ECUN) IgG (guinea pig, positive/negative) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $22.00 |
Encephalitozoon cuniculi(ECUN) IgG Titer (rabbit, serology only) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $58.00 |
Encephalitozoon cuniculi(ECUN) IgG Titer (dog or cat, serology only) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $53.00 |
ECUN IgM Titer (rabbit, serology only) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $38.00 |
ECUN Panel (rabbit only, IgM, IgG, and CRP) | 0.12ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $110.00 |
Gerbil Serology Panel (Sendai virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, pneumonia virus of mice) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $40.00 |
Gliotoxin (Aspergillus) | 0.15ml plasma (GT) | $65.00 |
Gliotoxin (Aspergillus) PLUS (Protein Electrophoresis, Gliotoxin) | 0.2ml plasma (GT) | $92.00 |
Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GLDH) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $28.00 |
Guinea Pig Serology Panel (Sendai virus, pneumonia virus of mice, ECUN, parainfluenza virus type-3, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, Clostridium piliforme, guinea pig adenovirus) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $60.00 |
Hamster Serology Panel (Sendai, LCMV,CPIL) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $44.00 |
Haptoglobin (HP) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $49.00 |
Hydroxybutyrate (3HB) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $29.00 |
Invertebrate Chemistry Panel (Anion gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $75.00 |
Lipoprotein Chemistry Panel | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $44.00 |
Mammal LiverPanel (AST,ALT,GGT,ALKPhos, Tbili) | 0.2ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $44.00 |
Manatee Package (CBC+ Platelet Count, Marine Mammal Chemistry Panel, Fibrinogen by Heat Precipitation, Serum Amyloid A, Protein Electrophoresis) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT), 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 blood smears | $168.00 |
Marine Mammal Chemistry Panel (A/G ratio, Alb, Alk Phos, ALT, Amylase, Anion Gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, Creat, GGT, Globulin, Glu, Iron, K,LDH, Lipase, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, Total Bili, TP, Trig) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $73.00 |
Mini Avian Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $65.00 |
Mini Elasmobranch Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) | 0.1ml blood (GT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $58.00 |
Mini Ferret Panel (CBC, SAA) | 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $63.00 |
Mini Mammal Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $65.00 |
Mini Rabbit Panel (CBC, CRP) | 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $63.00 |
Mini Reptile Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) | 0.1ml blood (GT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $60.00 |
Mini Teleost Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) | 0.1ml blood (GT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $58.00 |
Mouse Serology Panel (Mouse hepatitis virus, mouse parvovirus, minute virus of mice, Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus, rotavirus) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $50.00 |
Multispecies Serum Amyloid A (SAA) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $60.00 |
Pacheco’s Virus DNA probe* | 0.1ml blood (GT) | $32.00 |
Pacheco’s Virus Serology* | 0.3ml serum (RT) | $32.00 |
PBFD DNA probe* | 0.1ml blood (GT) | $35.00 |
Penguin Aspergillus Panel (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH) | 0.2ml plasma (GT) | $70.00 |
Penguin Aspergillus Panel PLUS (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH, Gliotoxin) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $110.00 |
Polyomavirus DNA probe* | 0.1ml blood (GT) or cloacal swab | $35.00 |
Protein Electrophoresis (EPH)- AGE or CZE | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $35.00 |
Rabbit Serology Panel (Pasteurella, Clostridium piliforme, CAR bacillus, ECUN (pos/neg)) | 0.2ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $70.00 |
Rat Serology Panel (Kilham’s rat virus, pneumonia virus of mice, rat parvovirus, rat coronavirus, Mycoplasma pulmonis) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) | $50.00 |
Reptile CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/Natt & Herrick’s method) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides | $45.00 |
Reticulocyte Count | 0.1ml blood (LT) | $15.00 |
Rhino & Bongo (Multispecies) Serum Amyloid A (SAA) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $58.00 |
Sarcocystis falcatula Serology (IFA) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) | $42.00 |
Sarcocystis Panel (Serology, EPH) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) | $68.00 |
Serum amyloid A (SAA) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $49.00 |
Serum amyloid A (SAA), dolphin | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $66.00 |
Serum amyloid A (SAA), rhino (multispecies) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) | $58.00 |
T4, total (mammals only) | 0.1ml plasma (GT) | $40.00 |
Teleost CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/Natt & Herrick’s method) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides | $44.00 |
Teleost Chemistry Panel (Anion gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) | 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $71.00 |
Teleost Panel (CBC, Teleost Chemistry Panel, Electrophoresis) | 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml plasma (GT) | $101.00 |
UM Brief Panel (Glu, BUN, Crea, Ca, Phos, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, ALT, Alk Phos, TBili) | 0.2ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) | $47.00 |
UM Brief Panel + CBC | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides2ml plasma or serum | $65.00 |
UM Brief Panel + CBC + CRP | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum0.3ml plasma or serum | $105.00 |
UM Panel (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Amy, Ca, Phos, Chol, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, Alk Phos, TBili) | 0.3ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) | $55.00 |
UM Panel + CBC | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum | $88.00 |
UM Panel + CBC + CRP | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum | $135.00 |
UM Panel + CBC + SAA | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum | $135.00 |
UM Panel Plus (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Amy, Ca, Phos, Chol, Trig, Uric acid, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, LDH, CPK, Alk Phos, GGT, TBili, Direct Bili) | 0.4ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) | $79.00 |
UM Panel Plus + CBC | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum | $117.00 |
UM Large Animal Panel (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Ca, Phos, Chol, Uric acid, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, LDH, CPK, Alk Phos,GGT, TBili) | 0.3ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) | $65.00 |
UM Large Animal Panel + CBC | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum | $100.00 |
UM Large Animal Panel Plus (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Amy, Lipa, Ca, Phos, Mg, Chol, Uric acid, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, LDH, CPK, Alk Phos, GGT, Total Bili, Direct Bili) | 0.4ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) | $81.00 |
UM Large Animal Panel Plus + CBC | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum | $119.00 |
Well Bird Panel Package (CBC, Basic Avian Chem Panel, Bile acids, EPH) | 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum | $95.00 |
Individual Chemistry Determinations (as add-ons, except GLDH, 3HB, bile acids) | 0.05ml plasma (GT) | $14.00 |
Individual Rodent Serology Determinations (please contact lab) | 0.05ml serum or plasma (GT) | $12.00 |
Acute Phase Protein Laborator
Test Name | Specimen Requirement | Price |
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) | 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma | $49.00 |
Haptoglobin (HP) | 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma | $49.00 |
Fibrinogen by heat precipitation method | 0.1ml blood (LT) | $22.00 |
C-reactive protein (CRP) | 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma | $49.00 |
Protein electrophoresis (CZE or AGE) | 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma | $35.00 |
Dolphin Serum Amyloid A (SAA) | 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma | $66.00 |
Rhino & Bongo (Multispecies) Serum Amyloid A (SAA) | 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma | $58.00 |
Contact the laboratory for other special serology panels for rodents.
* Sent to the University of Georgia once per week
Pricing as of June 1st, 2024