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Test Offerings

Avian & Wildlife Laboratory

Avian & Wildlife Laboratory

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The Client Services Division is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm EST.  We are ready to help you with all your questions.
Phone: 800-596-7390 Phone: 305-243-6700 Email
See the Test Info tab for pricing and specimen requirements for each test.
Test Name Specimen Requirement Price
Advanced Avian Chemistry Panel(Amylase, AST, BUN, Creat, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT, Glu, Lipase, Mg, Phos, Potassium, Sodium, TP, Trig, Uric Acid, GLDH) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $78.00
Advanced Ferret Panel(CBC, Advanced Mammal Chem Panel, SAA) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum $105.00
Advanced Mammal Chemistry Panel(ALT, AlkPhos, BUN, Crea, Glu, Ca, Na, Phos, Potassium, Cl, Mg, TP, Alb, AST, Amylase, CPK, TBili, GGT) 0.3ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $78.00
Advanced Mammal Panel(CBC, Advanced Mammal Chem Panel, EPH) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum $105.00
Advanced Rabbit Panel(CBC, Advanced Mammal Chem Panel, CRP) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum $105.00
Advanced Reptile Chemistry Panel(AlkPhos, Amy, Anion Gap, AST, BUN, CPK, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, GGT, Glu, K, Lipa, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid, GLDH) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $78.00
Advanced Reptile Panel(CBC, Advanced Reptile Chem Panel, EPH) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum $105.00
Advanced Sea Turtle Panel(CBC, Advanced Reptile Chem Panel, Electrophoresis (CZE) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml serum or plasma $101.00
Advanced Well Bird Exam(CBC, Advanced Chem Panel, Bile acids, EPH) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma (GT) $107.00
Aspergillus Panel (Antibody (Afmp1p), EPH + Galactomannan) 0.2ml plasma (GT) $115.00
Aspergillus Panel PLUS (Antibody (Afmp1p), EPH + Galactomannan, Gliotoxin) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $160.00
Aspergillus Panel – Dolphin (Antibody by ELISA, SAA, EPH 0.1ml plasma (GT) $132.00
Aspergillus Panel – Penguin (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH) 0.2ml plasma (GT) $70.00
Aspergillus Panel – Penguin PLUS (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH, Gliotoxin) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $110.00
Aspergillus Gliotoxin 0.1ml plasma (GT) $65.00
Aspergillus Gliotoxin PLUS (Protein Electrophoresis, Gliotoxin) 0.2ml plasma (GT) $92.00
Aspergillus Serology – Avian (Antibody by Afmp1p ELISA) 0.05ml plasma (GT) $45.00
Aspergillus Serology – Galactomannan 0.1ml plasma (GTT) $85.00
Aspergillus Serology – Dolphin (Antibody by ELISA) 0.05ml plasma (GT) $80.00
Aspergillus Serology – Dolphin (Antibody by Immunoblot) 0.05ml plasma (GT) $175.00
Aspergillus Serology (RID for Antibody for non-avian species) 0.05ml plasma (GT) $40.00
Avian CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/phloxine method) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides $44.00
Avian Liver Panel(AST, CPK, GGT, LDH, TP, Bile Acids, GLDH) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $70.00
Basic Avian Chemistry Panel(AST, Ca, Glu, TP, Uric Acid, CPK, Phos) 0.2ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $45.00
Basic Mammal Chemistry Panel(ALT, BUN, Crea, Glu, Phos, Ca, TP) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma $45.00
Basic Ferret Panel(CBC, Basic Mammal Chem Panel, SAA) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma $95.00
Basic Mammal Panel(CBC, Basic Mammal Chem Panel, EPH) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma $95.00
Basic Rabbit Panel(CBC, Basic Mammal Chem Panel, CRP) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.2ml serum or plasma $95.00
Basic Reptile Chemistry Panel(AlkPhos, AST, CPK, Ca, Cl, GGT, Glu, K, Na, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) 0.25ml plasma (GT) $64.00
Basic Reptile Panel(CBC, Basic Reptile Chem Panel, EPH) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.25ml serum or plasma $95.00
Basic Sea Turtle Panel(CBC, Basic Sea Turtle Chem Panel, Electrophoresis (CZE) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml serum or plasma $92.00
Basic Sea Turtle Chemistry Panel(AST, BUN, Ca, Cl, CPK, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) 0.3ml serum or plasma (GT) $62.00
Bile Acids 0.1ml plasma (GT) $33.00
CBC (avian) hemocytometer count and manual diff 0.1ml blood (LT), slides $44.00
CBC (teleost/elasmo) hemacytometer count and manual diff 0.1ml blood (GT), slides $44.00
CBC (mammal) automated count and manual diff 0.1ml blood (LT), slides $44.00
CBC (reptile) hemocytometer count and manual diff 0.1ml blood (GT), slides $44.00
Chlamydia DNA probe* 0.1ml blood (GT) or non-gel type swab $35.00
Chlamydia Serology (IFA) 0.1ml plasma (GT) $44.00
ChlamydiaI FA and EBA* Serology 0.1ml plasma (GT) and 0.1ml serum (RT) $75.00
Chlamydia Panel (Serology + EPH) 0.1ml plasma (GT) $70.00
C-reactive protein (CRP) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $49.00
DNA Sexing 0.1ml blood (GT) $35.00
Dolphin Package (CBC+ Platelet Count, Marine Mammal Chemistry Panel, Fibrinogen by Heat Precipitation, Dolphin Serum Amyloid A, Protein Electrophoresis) 0.3ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT), 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 blood smears $185.00
Dolphin Serum Amyloid A (SAA) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $68.00
Elasmobranch CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/Natt & Herrick’s method) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides $44.00
Elasmobranch Chemistry Panel (Anion gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT,GLDH, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $75.00
Elasmobranch Panel (CBC+ Elasmobranch Chemistry Panel + Electrophoresis) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml plasma (GT) $105.00
Elephant Package (CBC+ Platelet Count (automated and estimated), UM Large Animal Panel Plus Chemistry Panel, Protein Electrophoresis, Fibrinogen by Heat Precipitation, Serum Amyloid A, Haptoglobin) 0.3ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT), 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 blood smears $173.00
Encephalitozoon cuniculi(ECUN) IgG (guinea pig, positive/negative) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $22.00
Encephalitozoon cuniculi(ECUN) IgG Titer (rabbit, serology only) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $58.00
Encephalitozoon cuniculi(ECUN) IgG Titer (dog or cat, serology only) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $53.00
ECUN IgM Titer (rabbit, serology only) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $38.00
ECUN Panel (rabbit only, IgM, IgG, and CRP) 0.12ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $110.00
Gerbil Serology Panel (Sendai virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, pneumonia virus of mice) 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $40.00
Gliotoxin (Aspergillus) 0.15ml plasma (GT) $65.00
Gliotoxin (Aspergillus) PLUS (Protein Electrophoresis, Gliotoxin) 0.2ml plasma (GT) $92.00
Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GLDH) 0.1ml plasma (GT) $28.00
Guinea Pig Serology Panel (Sendai virus, pneumonia virus of mice, ECUN, parainfluenza virus type-3, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, Clostridium piliforme, guinea pig adenovirus) 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $60.00
Hamster Serology Panel (Sendai, LCMV,CPIL) 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $44.00
Haptoglobin (HP) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $49.00
Hydroxybutyrate (3HB) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $29.00
Invertebrate Chemistry Panel (Anion gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $75.00
Lipoprotein Chemistry Panel 0.1ml plasma (GT) $44.00
Mammal LiverPanel (AST,ALT,GGT,ALKPhos, Tbili) 0.2ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $44.00
Manatee Package (CBC+ Platelet Count, Marine Mammal Chemistry Panel, Fibrinogen by Heat Precipitation, Serum Amyloid A, Protein Electrophoresis) 0.3ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT), 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 blood smears $168.00
Marine Mammal Chemistry Panel (A/G ratio, Alb, Alk Phos, ALT, Amylase, Anion Gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, Creat, GGT, Globulin, Glu, Iron, K,LDH, Lipase, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, Total Bili, TP, Trig) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $73.00
Mini Avian Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) $65.00
Mini Elasmobranch Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) 0.1ml blood (GT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) $58.00
Mini Ferret Panel (CBC, SAA) 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) $63.00
Mini Mammal Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) $65.00
Mini Rabbit Panel (CBC, CRP) 0.1ml blood (LT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) $63.00
Mini Reptile Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) 0.1ml blood (GT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) $60.00
Mini Teleost Panel (CBC, Electrophoresis) 0.1ml blood (GT), 2 slides, 0.1ml plasma (GT) $58.00
Mouse Serology Panel (Mouse hepatitis virus, mouse parvovirus, minute virus of mice, Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus, rotavirus) 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $50.00
Multispecies Serum Amyloid A (SAA) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $60.00
Pacheco’s Virus DNA probe* 0.1ml blood (GT) $32.00
Pacheco’s Virus Serology* 0.3ml serum (RT) $32.00
PBFD DNA probe* 0.1ml blood (GT) $35.00
Penguin Aspergillus Panel (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH) 0.2ml plasma (GT) $70.00
Penguin Aspergillus Panel PLUS (Antibody (Afmp1p), Hydroxybutyrate, EPH, Gliotoxin) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $110.00
Polyomavirus DNA probe* 0.1ml blood (GT) or cloacal swab $35.00
Protein Electrophoresis (EPH)- AGE or CZE 0.1ml plasma (GT) $35.00
Rabbit Serology Panel (Pasteurella, Clostridium piliforme, CAR bacillus, ECUN (pos/neg)) 0.2ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $70.00
Rat Serology Panel (Kilham’s rat virus, pneumonia virus of mice, rat parvovirus, rat coronavirus, Mycoplasma pulmonis) 0.05ml plasma (GT) or serum (RT) $50.00
Reptile CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/Natt & Herrick’s method) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides $45.00
Reticulocyte Count 0.1ml blood (LT) $15.00
Rhino & Bongo (Multispecies) Serum Amyloid A (SAA) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $58.00
Sarcocystis falcatula Serology (IFA) 0.05ml plasma (GT) $42.00
Sarcocystis Panel (Serology, EPH) 0.05ml plasma (GT) $68.00
Serum amyloid A (SAA) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $49.00
Serum amyloid A (SAA), dolphin 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $66.00
Serum amyloid A (SAA), rhino (multispecies) 0.1ml plasma (GT) or 0.1ml serum (RT) $58.00
T4, total (mammals only) 0.1ml plasma (GT) $40.00
Teleost CBC and Diff (by gold standard hemocytometer/Natt & Herrick’s method) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides $44.00
Teleost Chemistry Panel (Anion gap, AST, BUN, Ca, Chol, Cl, CO2, CPK, GGT, Glu, K, Mg, Na, Osmolality, Phos, TP, Trig, Uric Acid) 0.3ml plasma (GT) $71.00
Teleost Panel (CBC, Teleost Chemistry Panel, Electrophoresis) 0.1ml blood (GT), slides, 0.3ml plasma (GT) $101.00
UM Brief Panel (Glu, BUN, Crea, Ca, Phos, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, ALT, Alk Phos, TBili) 0.2ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $47.00
UM Brief Panel + CBC 0.1ml blood (LT), slides2ml plasma or serum $65.00
UM Brief Panel + CBC + CRP 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum0.3ml plasma or serum $105.00
UM Panel (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Amy, Ca, Phos, Chol, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, Alk Phos, TBili) 0.3ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $55.00
UM Panel + CBC 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum $88.00
UM Panel + CBC + CRP 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum $135.00
UM Panel + CBC + SAA 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum $135.00
UM Panel Plus (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Amy, Ca, Phos, Chol, Trig, Uric acid, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, LDH, CPK, Alk Phos, GGT, TBili, Direct Bili) 0.4ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $79.00
UM Panel Plus + CBC 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum $117.00
UM Large Animal Panel (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Ca, Phos, Chol, Uric acid, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, LDH, CPK, Alk Phos,GGT, TBili) 0.3ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $65.00
UM Large Animal Panel + CBC 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum $100.00
UM Large Animal Panel Plus (Glu, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Amy, Lipa, Ca, Phos, Mg, Chol, Uric acid, TP, Alb, Globulins, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, LDH, CPK, Alk Phos, GGT, Total Bili, Direct Bili) 0.4ml serum (RT) or plasma (GT) $81.00
UM Large Animal Panel Plus + CBC 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.4ml plasma or serum $119.00
Well Bird Panel Package (CBC, Basic Avian Chem Panel, Bile acids, EPH) 0.1ml blood (LT), slides0.3ml plasma or serum $95.00
Individual Chemistry Determinations (as add-ons, except GLDH, 3HB, bile acids) 0.05ml plasma (GT) $14.00
Individual Rodent Serology Determinations (please contact lab) 0.05ml serum or plasma (GT) $12.00

Acute Phase Protein Laborator

Test Name Specimen Requirement Price
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma $49.00
Haptoglobin (HP) 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma $49.00
Fibrinogen by heat precipitation method 0.1ml blood (LT) $22.00
C-reactive protein (CRP) 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma $49.00
Protein electrophoresis (CZE or AGE) 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma $35.00
Dolphin Serum Amyloid A (SAA) 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma $66.00
Rhino & Bongo (Multispecies) Serum Amyloid A (SAA) 0.1 ml serum or heparinized plasma $58.00

Contact the laboratory for other special serology panels for rodents.

* Sent to the University of Georgia once per week

Pricing as of June 1st, 2024