We offer three- and four-year pathways depending on your needs. Please note that the C4 and R1 program tracks are limited to participants who are enrolled in specific programs.
Categorial 4-year Program (1104040C3)
26 positions available for medical students applying in current match, includes internship/clinical base year.
Advanced 3-year Program (1104040A0)
2 positions available for medical students applying in the current match, applicant must arrange their own internship year.
3-year MD Pathway Participants (1104040C4)
Available only to UM Miller medical students who are participating in the 3-year MD program.
FTOS Funded Military Participants (1104040R1)
Up to 2 positions per year. Available only to active military applicants with a prior internship and approved funding for full-time outservice training or equivalent commitment from branch of service. Begins training as CA-1 in July of match year.
Research opportunities are awarded during training. Those accepted to a research pathway can expect up to six months of protected non-clinical time for study-related activities.