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Program Advisory Committee

Florida-Puerto Rico Collaboration to Reduce Stroke Disparities

The composition of the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) includes the NINDS Scientific Program Director and other established investigators with expertise in stroke prevention, health disparities, biostatistics and hypertension clinical trials.

The PAC will meet annually and will provide review of progress toward milestones and recommendations on which to base the next year’s activities. Specifically, the PAC will advise the Center Director and Executive Committee, composed of Project/Core Leaders, on:

  1. The conduct of all activities and general direction of the Center;
  2. Progress toward goals of the overall Center and the research projects;
  3. Progress of the Research Training/Education Program;
  4. Plans for dissemination;
  5. Key community stakeholders and organizations to involve in activities of the Center; and
  6. Major advances in the field, or scientific directions that should be considered.


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Gregg C. Fonarow, M.D.

Chairman, Program Advisory Committee

University of California Los Angeles
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Judith Lichtman, Ph.D., MPH

Member, Program Advisory Committee

Yale School of Public Health
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David B. Matchar, M.D.

Member, Program Advisory Committee

Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School
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Yuko Y. Palesch, Ph.D.

Member, Program Advisory Committee

Medical University of South Carolina
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Salina P. Waddy, M.D.

Member, Program Advisory Committee

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH/NINDS