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Deep Brain Stimulation

Movement Disorders Division
Deep Brain Stimulation is a revolutionary surgical technique that uses electrical stimulation to improve symptoms of patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders such as Parkinsons’s disease, Essential Tremors, Dystonia and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Using a battery pack and wires the size of an angel hair pasta, this technique can control abnormal brain circuits in the same way a pacemaker controls an abnormal heart rhythm. Deep Brain Stimulation is a safe procedure, approved by FDA, and is effective in treating neurological symptoms in patients with movement disorders. At the University of Miami Movement Disorders Center over 600 patients have been implanted in the past 10 years. We are using the most innovative techniques in surgical planning, brain imaging and microelectrode recordings to obtain excellent outcomes.

Deep Brain Stimulation at University of Miami

To establish if you are a good candidate for DBS you will need to undergo an evaluation at the University of Miami Movement Disorders Center. We will try to accommodate these visits in the shortest amount of time possible.

  • Evaluation by Movement Disorders Neurologist - You will be evaluated to make sure you have the proper diagnosis and that you are a good candidate for surgery. You will discuss the procedure in detail with the neurologist and you will have time to ask questions. You will be asked to stop your Parkinson’s medications 12 hours prior the visit. Motor symptoms will be assessed by the movement disorders neurologist before and after taking your Parkinson’s medications.
  • Evaluation by Functional Stereotactic Neurosurgeon - In the same day you will be seen by the neurosurgeon and you will discuss the surgical technique and possible risks.
  • Evaluation by Neuropsychologist - You will undergo a detailed neuropsychological evaluation to determine if you have memory problems. The tests will last 3-4 hours and will be done in a different day.
  • MRI of Brain - A 3 Tesla MRI with DBS protocol will be performed at University of Miami before the surgery. Once these visit are performed, your case will be discussed in the in the Multidisciplinary DBS Meeting with the movement disorders neurologists, neuropsychologists and neurosurgeon to decide if you are a good candidate for surgery.

Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery

If you are considered a good candidate for surgery you will be scheduled by our coordinator for surgery. You will need proper clearance for surgery (chest x-ray, blood work, EKG). The surgery will be done in 2 stages.

Stage 1 - In the morning of surgery you will come to the hospital and will meet the surgical team. A metal frame will be applied on your head using local anesthesia and a CT scan will be done. This will be used together with the MRI to find the exact spot where the DBS lead will be placed. After the CT, you will be taken to the operating room and you will be slightly sedated. A small hole will be drilled in your skull by the neurosurgeon and a tiny microelectrode will be inserted in your brain. For this part of procedure you will be awake and the neurologist will listen to the electrical signal in your brain to identify precisely the best place for stimulation. Once this is done the DBS lead is placed and effects of stimulation are checked in operating room while you are awake.

Stage 2 - A week later you will come for the placement of a battery pack under you collar bone and to connect the wires in the brain with the battery.

Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Programming

One to two weeks after the stage 2 you will come for activation of your device. Adjustment of the device may take from couple of weeks to months. Your neurologist will increase the stimulation and select the best parameters and will adjust your medication as well. After these adjustments you will need to follow up every 3-6 months for battery checks.

  • Am I a candidate for DBS surgery?

  • What symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are helped by DBS?

  • Where is the best place to have surgery?

  • Do I need to take medications after the surgery?

  • Is DBS surgery a cure for Parkinson’s disease?

  • When do I need to have my battery exchanged?

  • Does my insurance covers for the DBS procedure?

Recommended Resources

Smart technology helping patients with Parkinsons Disease
Deep Brain Stimulation – Dr. Luca"
Health Beat: Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s video
Deep Brain Stimulation brochure
Deep Brain Stimulation flyer
Bike riding, surgery help control Parkinson’s tremors / Miami Herald

To schedule a DBS evaluation at University of Miami please call 305-243-2781.
UHealth Spine & Brain Center
1321 NW 14 Street, Suite 306,
Miami, FL, 33125

First Program in South Florida to Implant Stimulator

The University of Miami is the first Deep Brain Stimulation program in South Florida to implant a new FDA approved state of the art Deep Brain Stimulator system using steerable current leads and Bluetooth generators allowing for easier patient-device interaction and more precise stimulation. The program is the first in the state of Florida to implant these new bluetooth enabled generators.

To schedule an appointment with a board-certified DBS specialist, please call 305-243-2781, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Eastern Time.