Contact Information
The CGT biorepository offers a wide-range of services and currently houses more than a million samples collected over the last 40 years. Biorepository scientist’s process, archive, and retrieve biological samples as a valued resource for genomic research.
We have extensive experience in the use of the Nautilus® Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and barcoding options that allow for personalized and secure solutions for sample ascertainment, storage and retrieval. With a wide variety of sample processing options including, but not limited to, automated DNA extraction using the Autogen FlexSTAR+ instrument, automated DNA/RNA extraction using the Qiagen QIASymphony, peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) isolation, serum, plasma and buffy coat isolation, creation of blood cards and DNA/RNA quantitation and qualitation. Additionally, we offer fully automated immunoassay and proteomics platforms to meet your fluid biomarker needs. We offer sample solutions to suit any project’s customized needs.
Biorepository Forms
DNA/RNA Extraction
Sample Archiving, Retrieval, & Allocation
DNA/RNA Quantitation & Qualitation
Tissue Culture
Whole Genome Amplification
Sample Shipping Guidelines
Custom Labels Printing