Graduation Conditions
Students enrolled in the M.D./M.P.H. program must complete all requirements for both degrees in order to receive either degree. This means that students must complete the M.P.H. degree in order to receive the MD degree, and vice versa. Even if a student has successfully completed all requirements for the M.D. degree and have obtained a residency program, they will not be awarded the M.D. degree until the M.P.H. degree is also awarded. We will provide all students with faculty mentors and advisors to assist in meeting all requirements and obligations for both degrees in a timely manner.
Transfer/Withdrawal/Hiatus Conditions
Students may not withdraw or transfer from the M.D./M.P.H. program and continue in the regular M.D. program. If a student withdraws from the program, they will be dismissed from medical school. Such a student may reapply to the Miller School of Medicine traditional M.D. program and request advanced standing based on successfully completed M.D. course work. Decisions for readmission will be made by the medical education administration on an individual case basis with consideration given to the reasons for withdrawal/dismissal.
Students may also not transfer into or apply to participate in another dual-degree program such as the M.D./M.B.A. or M.D./J.D. programs.
Because the M.D./M.P.H. program is a four-year dual-degree program, students interested in applying for a year off from the program must obtain prior approval from the medical education administration. Approval will only be granted on a case-by-case basis.