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Podium Presentations

Department of Orthopaedics

American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American and International Research Societies of Orthopaedics, American and Canadian Orthopaedic Societies, American and International Societies of Neurochemistry, American Society of Hematology ,Connective Tissue Oncology Society, Spandidos Conferences.

V. Dahl, A. Perez, C. Denny B. Becker A. Sedani, A. Moran, D Martinez A. Hoyt, J. Brown, K. Galoian. Unfolded protein response targets chondrosarcoma stem cells via toll-like receptor-mediated mechanism: exciting therapeutic applications for PRP-1. Second place at SAMA Orthopedic Department Grand Rounds Awards, 2022. 

Granger C, Moran A, Hoyt AK, Conway S, and Galoian K Cancer Stem Cells as a Therapeutic Targetin 3D Tumor Models of Human Chondrosarcoma: An Encouraging Future for Proline Rich Polypeptide-1. AAOS Annual Meeting 2020, Orlando FL. (Podium presentation by C Granger )

Galoian K., Qureshi A, Wideroff G, Temple H,T. Restoration of desmosomal junction protein expression and inhibition of H3K9 specific histone demethylase activity by cytostatic, PRP-1 leads to suppression of tumorigenic potential in human chondrosarcoma cells. 20th Congress on Advances in Oncology and 18th International symposium on Molecular Medicine (Podium Speaker), Athens, Greece, 2015. Published in International Journal of Molecular Medicine v 36, Supplement 1, 2015.

Galoian K., et al,: Epigenetic regulation of embryonic stem cell marker mir302c in human chondrosarcoma as determinant of antiproliferative activity of proline rich polypeptide 1 and Treatment with a small molecule IDH1 inhibitor suppresses tumorigenic activity and decreases production of the oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate in IDH1- mutant human chondro-sarcoma cells” AACR Basic Science of sarcoma conference and CTOS November 3-8, Salt Lake city, Utah 2015.

Galoian K. , Qureshi A, Temple H.T. Targeting Cancer Stem Cell Marker miR302C in Human Chondrosarcoma Determines the Antiproliferative Activity of Proline Rich Polypeptide1.Poster session : PS2-174 ,: Cancer, Tumors poster number : 1946;ORS annual Meeting, March 28-31. Las Vegas, Nevada, 2015.

Galoian K., Guettouche T, Issac B, Qureshi A, Temple H.T. Regulation of onco and tumor suppressor miRNAS by MTORC1 inhibitor PRP-1 un human chondrosarcoma, (poster ) Miami Winter symposium (UM and Elseviers Publishers) January Towards Personalized Medicine in Cancer, 2015.

Galoian, K.A., H.T. Temple mTORC1 inhibitor targets Src oncogenic pathway by upregulating HSA miR99A, 450A and 199B-5P in human chondrosarcoma. Connective Tissue Oncology Society 17th annual meeting, November 14-17, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic (Podium discussion).

Galoian, K.A. H.T. Temple HDAC inhibitor Panobinostat (LBH589) effect on mesenchymal tumors and chordomas. Connective Tissue Oncoloy Society 17th annual meeting. November 14-17, Prague, Czech Republic (Podium discussion).

Galoian, K.A. H.T. Temple, Galoyan A.A., Cytostatic effect of the hypothalamic cytokine PRP-1 is mediated by mTOR and cMyc inhibition in high grade metastatic chondrosarcomas. AAOS meeting February 15-18, 2011, San Diego, CA (Podium).

Galoian, K.A., Garamszegi N., Garamszegi S. and S. Scully Molecular Mechanism of Tenascin C Action on Martix Metalloproteinase- 1 Invasive Potential 6th Combined International meeting of Orthopedic Research Societies, October 20-25, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii. Presented at COA/AOA Societies meeting June 4-7, 2008 Quebec City, QB, Canada (Podium).

Galoian, K.A. Milne T, Brock H, Shilatifard A, Slany R, Hess J. Deregulation of c-MYC by leukemogenic MLL Fusion proteins. BLOOD, v.96, n 11 Nov.16, 2000 p.457 (a). Material was introduced as podium presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of American and International Societies of Hematology in San-Francisco, CA December 1-5(Podium).

Galoian, K.A., Ronde P., Snyder D. and Nichols R., Measurement in Ca levels changes in the cardiac Nerve terminals using confocal microscopy. J. of Neurochem. Supp. Abstracts v. 69, ISN/ASN meeting Boston, MA, July 1997. (Same material was introduced as oral and one of the best presentations from stage at 3rd Advanced School of Neurochemistry in Amherst College, Amherst, MA July 16-19, 1997) (Podium).