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Lab Members


Our team is built around a core of physical therapists, who are clinician-scientists, and who collectively have over 65 years of clinical experience in pain management across a variety of patient populations. Our team includes Spanish and Haitian-Creole speaking members to ensure that our projects are accessible for the local community.

Mark S. Nash, Ph.D., FACSM

Marlon L. Wong, PT, Ph.D.

Dr. Wong is the principal investigator of the APReCIAT lab, where he employs both quantitative and qualitative methods in his pain research. He is currently focused on using neuromodulation techniques to develop equitable and personalized pain management approaches for chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy and diabetic neuropathy.


Jessica Bolanos

Jessica Bolanos, PT, DPT

Dr. Bolanos is currently pursuing a PhD, and her dissertation research is focused on improving understanding of social factors that influence heart rate variability.


Deen Cilien

Deena Cilien, PT, DPT

Dr. Cilien is a research PT working in spinal cord injury research. As a Haitian-Creole speaking clinician, Dr. Cilien helps to ensure that the APReCIAT lab activities are accessible and meaningful for the local Haitian-Creole speaking community.


Gabriel Gonzalez

Gabriel Gonzalez, PT, DPT

Dr. Gonzalez is currently pursuing a PhD, and his dissertation will involve optimizing neuromodulation protocols for pain management.


Juan Gonzalez

Juan Gonzalez, PT, DPT

Dr. Gonzalez is currently pursuing a PhD, and his dissertation involves optimizing pain assessment protocols, specifically using dynamic quantitative sensory testing, for people with painful diabetic neuropathy.


Decorative Filler image for Miller School of Medicine profiles

Annemay Lelis, PT, DPT

Dr. Lelis is an oncology rehabilitation clinical specialist. Dr. Lelis serves as the APReCIAT lab liaison to cancer survivors and to the providers who serve them.


Chelsea Miller

Chelsea Miller, PT, DPT

Dr. Miller is pursuing a Master of Science in Public Health.  Her research focuses on using qualitative methods to explore cultural influences on pain perception.


Collaborators and Students

Research Students will go here

Research Collaborators and Sponsors will go here