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For Participants

We “APReCIAT” you!  Our goal is to serve the community by advancing research that works to improve pain management for people of all walks of life.  Thus, it is important to us that our research is driven by what the community wants and needs.  Below are a few of our ongoing projects that you can get involved with:

Learn about how we are using transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) to improve neuropathic pain:

Final videos must be on UM Youtube channel

Final flyers must be remediated

Form will go here:

If you are interested in participating in any of our current or future research studies, please provide your information below:

Condition: (e.g. cancer, diabetes) or study of interest:

We also welcome any ideas or from the community on how the APReCIAT lab can best serve.  Please leave your comments below:

Comment Box goes here